[LCD screen 12232LCD parallel port display] STM32Fxx drives DS12232-2LCD parallel port display

Tip: After the article is written, the table of contents can be automatically generated. For how to generate it, please refer to the help document on the right. STM32Fxx drives DS12232-2LCD parallel port display Preface 1. Basic introduction to 12232LCD 1. Pin description 2. Timing diagram 2. Screen wiring schematic diagram 3. Screen parallel port […]

Experiment 3 Matrix button control LCD display

Experiment 3. Matrix button control LCD screen 1. Experiment purpose 1. Master the working principle of lcd1602 liquid crystal display; 2. Master the working principle of matrix keys; 2. Experimental software and hardware 1. Keil uVision4 or Keil uVision5; 2. Simulation software Proteus8, burning software stc-isp; 3. Puzhong 51 development board; 3. Learning content 1. […]

ZYNQ-FPGA-LCD display color block

1. Related knowledge In TFT LCD, TFT refers to thin film transistor (Thin Film Transistor), and LCD refers to (Liquid Crystal) liquid crystal. There are three main parts of an LCD screen: resolution (pixels), pixel format (color format: RGB, YUV), and drive timing RGB format: R red, G green, B blue. 888 and 565 formats […]

Allwinner R128 adapts to SPI driver ST7789V 2.4-inch LCD

Adapted to ST7789v LCD The R128 platform provides the SPI TFT interface of SPI DBI, which has the following features: Supports DBI Type C 3 Line/4 Line Interface Mode Supports 2 Data Lane Interface Mode Supports data source from CPU or DMA Supports RGB111/444/565/666/888 video format Maximum resolution of RGB666 240 x 320@30Hz with single […]

[HC32L196PCTA evaluation] 6.LCD+WDT+RTC+FLASH test

6.1LCD test HC32L196 integrates an LCD control module. There is also a 4-digit segment code LCD screen on this development board. Next, use this segment code screen combined with a timer to make a stopwatch. LCD related IO has been defined in stkhc32l19x.h Initialize IO copy void lcd_io_init() { Sysctrl_SetPeripheralGate(SysctrlPeripheralGpio,TRUE); Gpio_SetAnalogMode(STK_LCD_COM0_PORT, STK_LCD_COM0_PIN); //COM0 Gpio_SetAnalogMode(STK_LCD_COM1_PORT, STK_LCD_COM1_PIN); […]

STM32F4X TFTLCD ST7735S uses

STM32F4X TFTLCD ST7735S use Introduction to TFTLCD TFTLCD use TFTLCD Features The concept of TFTLCD TFTLCD color space Three primary colors RGB color RGB565 RGB666 RGB888 ST7735S driver chip ST7735S pin definition ST7735S 4-wire SPI mode ST7735S display principle ST7735S resolution ST7735S memory structure ST7735S pixel scanning mode MCU operation method of ST7735S video memory […]

Driving LCD12864 display

Table of Contents 1. Create lcd12864.h file 2. Create lcd12864.c file 3. Create bmp.h file 4. Create font.h file 5. Create main.c file 6. Complete code The LCD12864 is a 128×64 pixel resolution liquid crystal display commonly used in embedded systems and electronic devices to display characters, images and other information. Its driver IC model […]

LCD12864 data writing method (how to write 16-bit characters through 8-bit variables) and timing issues

Write the directory title here Write step by step through string pointer Loop through string array bits Write character by character (write one character at a time) Timing issues Read operation timing odd function Write operation timing and functions bug1 1. After writing the address, write the data. For example, when RS changes, the period […]

FPGA project: TFT_LCD

Experiment goal: Drive TFT_LCD to display ten color bars. Key knowledge to master: 1. Liquid crystal display, referred to as LCD (Liquid Crystal Display). Compared with the previous generation CRT display (cathode ray tube display), LCD display has the advantages of low power consumption, small size, large amount of information carried and no harm to […]