DFS, BFS of graphs, maze problems, search and backtracking template questions – full arrangement, Dijkstra

graph dfs-stack #include<iostream> using namespace std; #include<stack> int matrix[7][7] = { //A,B,C,D,E,F,G /*A*/ {0,0,1,1,0,1,0}, /*B*/ {0,0,1,0,0,0,0}, /*C*/ {1,1,0,1,0,0,0}, /*D*/ {1,0,1,0,0,0,0}, /*E*/ {0,0,0,0,0,0,1}, /*F*/ {1,0,0,0,0,0,1}, /*G*/ {0,0,0,0,1,1,0} }; bool vis[7];//mark array //Depth first search void dfs() { stack<int> s; //Start searching from A s.push(0); vis[0] = 1; while (!s.empty()) { int tmp = s.top(); s.pop(); cout […]

Using BFS and DFS to implement maze path finding

Reference links: Algorithm Basics: Intuitive Explanation of BFS and DFS Maze problem (maze problem) – depth first (DFS) and breadth first search (BFS) solution – Tencent Cloud Developer Community – Tencent Cloud 1. Concept analysis: Introduction to the concepts of BFS and DFS: BFS and DFS are two basic graph traversal algorithms. Breadth-First Search (BFS, […]

Data Structure: Maze Problem (Depth First Search)

Let’s first talk about the problem of developing two-dimensional arrays and one-dimensional arrays. If I want to open a one-dimensional array, DevC++ supports writing code like this #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int n; cin>>n; int a[n]; return 0; } We can enter a variable n to open up an array of how […]

(Maze problem) DFS (recursive + non-recursive)

Table of Contents introduce steps Application Traverse the graph/tree Find the path/solve the problem maze non-recursive version Ideas code recursive version Ideas code Introduction Depth-First Search (DFS) is a traversal or search algorithm used in data structures such as graphs and trees It does this by exploring branches of the graph asdeeplyas possible until it […]

Development source code of maze game based on A* search algorithm

AStart class package com.company; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; class AStar { public static int[][] NODES;//Define a maze unit array public int STEP = 10;//Set the weight of each step to 10 private ArrayList<Node> openList = new ArrayList<Node>();//open list stores known but not yet explored blocks private ArrayList<Node> closeList = new ArrayList<Node>();//close list stores the blocks […]

Project 3: Implementation source code of random maze based on A* algorithm

widget.h #ifndef WIDGET_H #define WIDGET_H #include <QWidget> #include <QPainter> #include <QDebug> #include <QStack> #include <QMessagebox> #include <QKeyEvent> #include <QEvent> #include <QTime> #include <QProcess> //block size #define xsize 20 #define ysize 20 //Range #define H 29 #define W 29 QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE namespace Ui { class Widget; } QT_END_NAMESPACE class Widget : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: Widget(QWidget […]

python&pygame random maze automatic path finding based on A* algorithm

caidan_youxi.py import sys import pygame from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow import login if __name__ == ‘__main__’: pygame.init() pygame.mixer.init() pygame.mixer.music.load(‘bgm.mp3’) # Load songs pygame.mixer.music.play() # Play app = QApplication(sys.argv) win = QMainWindow() loginUi = login.Ui_MainWindow() loginUi.setupUi(win) win.show() sys.exit(app.exec_()) my_migong.py import pygame import random import numpy as np import time class point: def __init__(self, row=0, col=0): self.row […]

Maze game development based on A* search algorithm

Article directory Summary The maze game is a very classic game. In this question, you are required to randomly generate a maze and solve the maze; 2) It is required to find and understand the maze generation algorithm, and try to use two different algorithms to generate random mazes. 3) The maze game is required […]

Maze game development based on A* search algorithm

The maze game is a very classic game. In this question, you are required to randomly generate a maze and solve the maze; You are asked to find and understand maze generation algorithms and try two different algorithms to generate random mazes. The maze game is required to support two modes: players walking the maze […]