Linux implementation principle – multi-thread scheduling overhead and performance optimization in NUMA multi-core architecture

Foreword NOTE: The “thread” referred to in this article refers to the executable scheduling unit Kernel Thread. NUMA Architecture The design concept of NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access, non-uniform memory access) is to partition the CPU and Main Memory autonomously (Local NUMA node), and to cooperate across regions (Remote NUMA node), in this way to alleviate […]

Redis: Impact of CPU core and NUMA architecture on performance risk

Article directory 【About the author】 1. Mainstream CPU architecture 2. The performance impact of CPU multi-core on Redis 3. The performance impact of CPU’s NUMA architecture on Redis 3.1. NUMA architecture 3.2. The impact of NUMA architecture on Redis 3.3. Risks and solutions brought about by core binding 【About the author】 About the author, he […]

[Solved] CMake Error:Could NOT find Numa (missing: NUMA_ROOT_DIR NUMA_INCLUDE_DIR NUMA_LIBRARY) error solution

Compile and install ALP/GraphBLAS , execute ../ –prefix=../install The following error is encountered when commanding: CMake Error at /usr/local/share/cmake-3.24/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:230 (message):Could NOT find Numa (missing: NUMA_ROOT_DIR NUMA_INCLUDE_DIR NUMA_LIBRARY) sudo apt-get install libnuma-dev Execute the above command to install Numa-related packages and solve it successfully. The article knowledge points match the official knowledge files, and you can […]