About Volatile, lock, Interlocked and Synchronized in multi-threaded environment

Welcome to like: Collection ?Leave a message Please correct me if there are any mistakes, give people roses, and leave lingering fragrance in your hands! Author of this article: Original by webmote Author’s motto: In the new journey, we face not only technology but also people’s hearts. People’s hearts are immeasurable, and the sea water […]

Hello volatile! Hello, synchronized!

This article has been published simultaneously on my personal homepage Synchronized and Volatile are two keywords used to handle multi-threaded programming in Java. They are used to implement thread synchronization and Ensure visibility. In Java multi-threaded programming, the two are complementary, not antagonistic. volatile In Java, the volatile keyword can ensure the visibility of a […]

synchronized implementation principle

Foreword: Introduction to synchronized The usage of Synchronized is to avoid data confusion caused by resource preemption, so that threads can be synchronized to ensure that only one thread of the synchronized object can perform value change and use operations. It is an essential part of concurrency control. Everyone knows it. Let’s dig into it […]

Synchronized implementation and lock upgrade

1. How does the JVM process and identify Synchronized? We analyze the implementation of synchronized from the bytecode perspective: Synchronized (lock object) {}Synchronized code blockThe underlying implementation is the monitorenter and monitorexit instructions. When modifying ordinary synchronization methods, the underlying implementation is: The execution instruction will check whether the method is set ACC_SYNCHRONIZED. If it […]

Java Core 05-AQS&ReentrantLock&Synchronized and other lock principles

AQS(AbstractQueueSynchronizer) Overview of AQS principles AQS means abstract queue synchronizer. Lock and other concurrency tool classes under the JUC package are implemented based on it. AQS maintains a volatile-modified state variable and a CLH (FIFO) two-way queue. The core idea of AQS is that if the requested shared resource is idle, the thread currently requesting […]

synchronized and ReentrantLock

Overview The differences between synchronized and ReentrantLock are as follows: The pseudocode for the two lock usage methods is as follows: // **************************How to use Synchronized*************** *********** // 1. Used for code blocks synchronized (this) {<!– –>} // 2. Used for objects synchronized (object) {<!– –>} // 3. Used for methods public synchronized void test […]