Install/use mariadb under Linux

Article directory Chapter 1: The use of mariadb on rhel7 Chapter 2: Installation of mariadb on rhel6 (1) Compile the source code package (relatively slow) (2) Binary package installation (recommended) Chapter 1: The use of mariadb on rhel7 rhel7 and above systems are installed with mariadb (lower version) by default If the virtual machine is […]

mysql (mariadb) read-write separation deployment

Directory 1. Principle 2. Prepare the environment 3. Deploy mysql master-slave replication 1. Five servers download mariadb 2. Modify the master configuration file and restart the database 3. Log in to mysql to create replication 4. Log in and verify from the server 5. Obtain the relevant information of the master server DB 6. Back […]

Uninstall and upgrade to install 10.9 mariadb under almalinux (practical operation)

Introduction to MariaDB MariaDB Server is a general-purpose open source relational database management system. It is one of the most popular database servers in the world, with notable users including Wikipedia,, and Google. MariaDB Server is released under the GPLv2 open source license and guaranteed to remain open source. It can be used for […]

mariadb cluster deployment

Forwarded from the official account: Shiquan Focus: cloud computing, blockchain sharing Original link (that is drainage):: &mid=2247483702 &idx=1 &sn=a1b59feef13cc930bf3cc19620210bdd &chksm= cf0da292f87a2b84ce23130ae1439c27fc8e486cf90068bdf75f50750ca1b2a54136c4f67856#rd 1. Overall process Environment: Ubuntu 22.04 (or Ubuntu 20.04) Manual deployment (3 or less) Install necessary software configuration database Restart the service and start the cluster Ansible deployment (more than 3) Install necessary […]

Kubernetes Actual Combat (02) – Using Deployment, Service, Nginx Ingress Controller to build MariaDB+Nginx+WordPress

1. Review of knowledge points kubeadm uses container technology to encapsulate Kubernetes components, so as long as the container runtime (Docker, containerd is installed on the node etc.), it can automatically pull images from the Internet, and then run components in containers, which is very simple and convenient. Deployment is an object used to manage […]

Kubernetes Actual Combat (01) – Using ConfigMap and Pod to build MariaDB+Nginx+WordPress

1. Basic structure of the website The two applications WordPress and MariaDB are packaged into Pod (because they are all online businesses, so Job/CronJob code> is not useful here), and the environment variables required for running are also rewritten into ConfigMap, which are managed uniformly by “declarative style”. 2. Deploy MariDB using (cm + pod) […]

High availability database cluster mariadb (mysql)

I. Overview It is an excellent set of high-availability software for failover and master-slave promotion in a MySQL high-availability environment 2. Port number twenty two 3. Brief description of high-availability MHA At present, it is a mature solution in terms of high availability of mysql. It is an excellent high availability software for failover and […]

mariadb high availability cluster

Directory 1. The same operation: modify the hosts file and write the IP of the four machines into it 2. www manager 4. Management Introduction: MHA (Master High Availability) is currently a relatively mature solution in terms of MySQL high availability. It was developed by the Japanese DeNA company youshimaton (now working for Facebook). Highly […]

Master-slave configuration of MariaDB database

1. Pre-work First prepare two machines that can ping each other, and the two machines can be the master and slave of each other. Example: master server from server 2. Install Install the data on each of the two machines Unzip the MariaDB installation package; tar zxvf MariaDB.tgz cd mariadb Install the MariaDB […]