How does NIO implement multiplexing?

How does NIO implement multiplexing? Introduction: IO has always been one of the core parts of software development. The Java platform IO mechanism has been continuously improved. Although it is still insufficient in some aspects, it has proven its ability to build highly scalable applications in practice. Foreword IO has always been one of the […]

TPLI63.1 Overall Overview & 63.2 IO Multiplexing

63.1 Overall Overview IO multiplexing (select() and poll() system calls) Signal driven IO Linux proprietary epoll programming interface In fact, IO multiplexing, signal-driven IO and epoll are all technologies used to achieve one goal – check multiple file descriptors at the same time to see if they are ready to perform IO operations. The transition […]

Operating system – IO multiplexing

Multi-thread switching => Context switching => Handle (Identifier used to identify objects or projects, which can be used to describe forms, files, etc. It is worth noting that handles cannot be constants.) Single thread =>DMA (direct memory access) 1. What is IO multiplexing Answer: IO Multiplexing is a synchronization IO Model, which implements a thread […]

I/O multiplexing epoll

1. Blocking I/O while ((n = read(STDIN_FILENO, buf, BUFSIZ)) > 0) { if (write(STDOUT_FILENO, buf, n) != n) { perror(“write error”); } } The above code snippet uses blocking I/O, which can be seen in many scenarios. For example, copying files, reading one file and writing to another file. For example, some scripts simply process […]

lv8 Embedded Development-Network Programming Development 16 Multiplexing poll and epoll

Table of Contents 1 Multiple implementation methods of multiplexing 2 poll 2.1 poll function application 3 epoll function family (most efficient) 3.1 epoll_create creates epoll handle 3.2 epoll_ctl epoll handle control interface 3.3 epoll_wait waits for I/O events on the epoll file descriptor 3.4 epoll function application 1 Multiple implementation methods of multiplexing 2 poll […]

I/O multiplexing (I/O multiplexing)

I/O multiplexing allows the program to monitor multiple file descriptors at the same time, which can improve the performance of the program. The system calls that implement I/O multiplexing under Linux mainly include select, poll, and epoll. Main idea: 1. First, construct a list of file descriptors and add the file descriptors to be […]

lv8 embedded development-network programming development 15I/O multiplexing and select function

Table of Contents 1 I/O multiplexing 1.1 Introduction to select function and other interfaces 1.2 Original TCP-socket example: 1.3 Example of implementing select function TCP-socket: 2 exercises 1 I/O multiplexing Multiplexing implementation 1.1 Introduction to select function and other interfaces int select(int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout); struct timeval { […]

Examples of using Java NIO for file operations, network communications and multiplexing

Java NIO (New Input/Output) is a new I/O operation method provided by Java. Compared with the traditional Java I/O API, it can handle a large number of concurrent connections more efficiently. This article will introduce in detail the core components of Java NIO, including Channel, Buffer and Selector, as well as other auxiliary classes and […]

28. Advanced IO and multiplexing options

Article directory 1. Five IO models (1) Blocking IO: (2) Non-blocking IO: (3) Signal driver IO: (4) IO multiplexing: (5) Asynchronous IO: 2. Important concepts of advanced IO (1) Synchronous communication vs asynchronous communication (synchronous communication/ asynchronous communication) (2) Blocking vs non-blocking (3) Other advanced IO (4) Non-blocking IO 1.fcntl 2. Implement the function SetNoBlock […]