Understand image formats RAW, RGB, YUV, Packed/Unpacked, Bayer, MIPI, Planar, Semi-Planar, Interleaved in one article

Table of Contents 1. General attributes 1.Packed/Unpacked 2. Compressed/uncompressed 2. RAW 1. Bayer format 2. Classification 3. MIPI RAW 3. RGB Classification 4. YUV 1. YUV to RGB conversion 2. Classification 3. Memory computing 5. Compression format Some people miss it and will never find it again in their lifetime. This article analyzes in detail […]

Use of #pragma pack and __attribute__((packed) for C language structure byte alignment (memory alignment)

In the case of not using options such as #pragma pack and __attribute__((packed) to customize the byte alignment size, for a description of normal byte alignment, please refer to the blog post: C/C++ calculates the memory size occupied by class/structure and union (memory alignment problem)_Memory space occupied by union_SOC Luo Sanpao’s blog-CSDN blog Students can […]

__attribute__((packed)) of c language structure attributes

__attribute__((packed)) of c language structure attribute 0. Export The thing is like this, I recently saw such a piece of code when doing code porting typedef struct { uint16_t len; uint8_t data[PAIRING_MAX_LEN]; } pairing_rx_buffer_t; static pairing_rx_buffer_t pairing_rx_buffer = {}; typedef struct{ uint8_t c2[C2_BLEN]; uint8_t e3[E3_BLEN]; uint8_t seeds[SEEDS_BLEN]; uint8_t icloud_id[ICLOUD_IDENTIFIER_BLEN]; uint8_t s2[S2_BLEN]; } __attribute__((packed)) fmna_finalize_pairing_data_t; typedef […]

[Solved] vivado reports an error: single value range is not allowed in packed dimension

As the title suggests, there is an error in the following code local function bit[3] get_chnl_ready_flags(); return {agents[2].vif.mon_ck.ch_ready ,agents[1].vif.mon_ck.ch_ready ,agents[0].vif.mon_ck.ch_ready }; endfunction virtual task gen_stop_callback(); bit[3] chnl_ready_flags; $display(“gen_stop_callback entered”); @(posedge agents[0].vif.rstn); forever begin @(posedge agents[0].vif.clk); chnl_ready_flags = this.get_chnl_ready_flags(); if($countones(chnl_ready_flags) <= 1) break; end One of the specific directions is local function bit[3] get_chnl_ready_flags(); The modification […]