Understand image formats RAW, RGB, YUV, Packed/Unpacked, Bayer, MIPI, Planar, Semi-Planar, Interleaved in one article

Table of Contents 1. General attributes 1.Packed/Unpacked 2. Compressed/uncompressed 2. RAW 1. Bayer format 2. Classification 3. MIPI RAW 3. RGB Classification 4. YUV 1. YUV to RGB conversion 2. Classification 3. Memory computing 5. Compression format Some people miss it and will never find it again in their lifetime. This article analyzes in detail […]

[Algorithm question] Different binary search trees and interleaved strings in the intermediate stage of dynamic programming

Intermediate stage of dynamic programming foreword 1. Different binary search trees 1.1. Ideas 1.2. Code implementation 2. Different Binary Search Trees II 2.1. Ideas 2.2. Code implementation 3. Interleaved string 3.1. Ideas 3.2. Code implementation Summarize Foreword Dynamic programming (Dynamic Programming, DP for short) is a method to solve the optimization problem of multi-stage decision-making […]

Research on Deadlock Caused by Interleaved SQL Server Statements

one: background 1. Tell a story I believe that you will often encounter blocking and deadlock when using SQLSERVER, especially deadlock, such as the following output: (1 row affected) Msg 1205, Level 13, State 51, Line 5 Transaction (Process ID 62) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the […]

Generate interleaved tables with QuestPDF

Staggered table means that some rows in the table are not aligned with the reference row, and there is a certain deviation. Common interleaving tables include: elevation closure automatic calculation table, boundary point table, etc. Examples are as follows: 1 Merge cell method Usually, the table merging function is used to implement interleaved tables. The […]