4 types of type conversion operators in c++ (static_cast, reinterpret_cast, dynamic_cast, const_cast), volatile, RTTI

Table of Contents introduce introduce static_cast introduce use reinterpret_cast introduce use const_cast introduce volatile introduce use dynamic_cast introduce use RTTI (runtime determination of type) introduce typeid operator dynamic_cast operator type_info class Introduction Originally in C, we have already been exposed to a lot of type conversions – implicit type conversions and explicit type conversions Implicit […]

Zabbix monitors the VMware cluster with an error “The specified parameter is incorrect: querySpec.startTime, querySpec.endTime”

VMware cluster architecture: A winserver is used as vcenter-server, 4 esxi and 1 storage device. Conclusion: It is caused by the time of zabbix-server being earlier than that of the storage device. (You must have your own ntpd) Analysis Use zabbix_server -R log_level_increase=”vmware collector,1″ to make zabbix-server increase the level of vmware collector to [4 […]

[Solved] Android12 error: error: use of typeid requires -frtti

1.Error: 1.Error using C++ typeid in Android The error is as follows: error: use of typeid requires -frtti 2. Resolve # emacs Android.bp cc_binary { name: “test_01”, srcs: [“typeid.cpp”], shared_libs: [ “libutils”, “libcutils”, “liblog”, ], rtti: true, cflags: [ “-fexceptions”, “-frtti”, ], } Or # emacs Android.mk LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_SRC_FILES := typeid.cpp […]