Automatic text summarization using deep learning method

Author: Zen and the Art of Computer Programming 1. Introduction Text summarization (English: Text summarization) refers to automatically generating a small representative text or paragraph from an entire paragraph of text, thereby simplifying the original text content and achieving the purpose of disseminating information. It is mainly used to improve search engines, news reading and […]

LlamaIndex: A new document summarization index for QA systems

From: ChallengeHub In this blog post, we introduce a new LlamaIndex data structure: the document summary index. We describe how it can help provide better retrieval performance compared to traditional semantic search, and walk through an example. Background reply: Join the group, join the NLP communication group~ 1 Background One of the core scenarios […]

NLP Project 6 – Text Summarization

NLP Project 6-Text Summarization 1. Tokenizer 2. Batch encoding 3. Data loading 4. Data Sampling 5. Data preprocessing 6. Rewrite Collate_fn to read data in batches, Label uniform length 7. Data Loader 8. Define the downstream task model 9. Test 10. Training 1. Tokenizer from transformers import AutoTokenizer tokenizer = AutoTokenizer. from_pretrained(‘t5-small’) print(tokenizer) T5TokenizerFast(name_or_path=’t5-small’, vocab_size=32100, […]

Video intelligent summarization based on ChatGPT

With the plethora of new videos being submitted on YouTube, it’s easy to feel challenged and struggle to keep up with everything I want to watch. I can relate to my daily experience of adding videos to my “watch later” list only to make the list longer and longer without actually watching it later. Now, […]

Intelligent Video Summarization – Task on SumMe Dataset Using LSTM and CNN Models

With the popularity of smartphones and online video, the amount of video data has grown exponentially. Efficient summarization and understanding of video content is becoming more and more important. Intelligent video summarization technology can help us get the key information of the video in a limited time. In this article, we will use LSTM and […]

Build Text Summarization Applications with Amazon SageMaker

Background Text summarization is to summarize a given single or multiple documents, that is, to keep it as concise as possible while ensuring that it can reflect the important content of the original document. Good-quality abstracts can play an important role in the information retrieval process. For example, using abstracts to replace original documents in […]