Creation and use of untyped DataSet

Level 1: DataSet Creation Knowledge points 1. Strongly typed DataSet creation (1) Create a DataSet using a sequence of basic types ## Create a collection val seq = Seq(1,2,3,4) ## Call toDS() method val ds: Dataset[Int] = seq.toDS() (2) Use the sample class sequence to create a DataSet (the sample class cannot be located […]

Open dataset: study of multichannel sensorimotor cortical electrophysiology in primates

Nonhuman Primate Reaching with Multichannel Sensorimotor Cortex Electrophysiology. 1 Public data set URL: Directory General Description Possible uses Variable names Decoder Results Videos Supplements Contact Information Citation General Description The data set includes: Thresholding of extracellular and simultaneously recorded peaks across time, sorted into units (up to 5, including one “hash” unit), and sorted […]

LINQtoObjects, LINQtoDataSet and LINQtoXML in C#

Table of Contents 1. Use LINQ to operate arrays and collections 2. Use LINQ to operate DataSet data set 1.AsEnumerable() method 2.CopyToDataTable() method 3.AsDataView() method 4.Take() method 5.Sum() method 6.Example (1) Source code (2) Generate effect 3. Use LINQ to operate XML 1.Load() method of XElement class 2.SetAttributeValue() method of XElement class 3.Add() method of […]

How to obtain the detection index APs of small targets? ——Dataset Yolo format generates json file

It’s such a simple thing, but I worked on it for several days for no reason. I was very depressed, so I just started without saying much. First, you must have a data set in YoLo format. Starting from the simplest, you need image data and corresponding txt tag data of the yolo type. (The […]

A brief analysis of the internal workflow of notifyDataSetChanged

First of all, we know that notifyDataSetChanged is a method of Adater. It is mainly used to notify ListView and tell it that the data of Adapter has changed and the display of ListView needs to be updated. Therefore, when the data content of Adapter changes, notifyDataSetChanged() method will be called. Take a look directly […]

North American Drought Monitor (NADM) Dataset

The North American Drought Monitor (NADM) raster dataset is generated by the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS). This dataset is a gridded version of the North American Drought Monitor (NADM) produced by authors in Canada, Mexico and the United States, […]

Python converts the json sample of ChestX-Det-Dataset into the json format of the COCO data set

ChestX-Det-Dataset data set URL: Dataset JSON content: [ {<!– –> “file_name”: “36199.png”, “syms”: [], “boxes”: [], “polygons”: [] }, {<!– –> “file_name”: “36302.png”, “syms”: [ “Effusion” ], “boxes”: [ [ 799, 666, 937, 761 ] ], “polygons”: [ [ [ 799, 678 ], [ 799, 678 ], [ 799, 680 ], [ 801, 681 […]

C#Json string to DataTable, DataSet JsonConvert.DeserializeObject loss of precision problem

C# Json string to DataTable, DataSet JsonConvert.DeserializeObject loss of precision problem Problem description When I was converting Json string to DataTable, I found that if I have a column of decimals, but the first row is an integer, all decimal digits below will be lost. Example public const string _InvoiceDataJsonTable = “[{“EXCHANGE_USD”:24},{“EXCHANGE_USD”:15},{“EXCHANGE_USD”: 191.06}]”; DataTable dtTable […]