“Understand in one article” Redis master-slave synchronization mechanism

Contents of this chapter Main functions The main functions of Redis master-slave synchronization are as follows: Data redundancy: Hot backup of data is achieved through master-slave synchronization, which is a data redundancy method in addition to persistence. Failure recovery: When a problem occurs on the master node, the slave node can continue to provide services […]

6. Audio and video synchronization algorithm

Audio and video synchronization algorithm Digression In physics, pitch refers to the pitch of the sound, loudness refers to the strength of the sound, and timbre refers to the characteristics of the sound, which should be distinguished. Video: color depth, color gamut, brightness. The hearing range of the human ear is 20Hz-20KHz. Signals within this […]

k8s builds MySQL master-slave synchronization

env k8s: v1.28.2 mysql: v8.0.34 Build nfs server 1. Execute the installation commands on 3 machines respectively yum install -y nfs-utils 2. Create 3 directories on the master node and write them to /etc/exports mkdir -p /data/nfs/{<!– –>mysql-master,mysql-slaver-01,mysql-slaver-01} cat >> /etc/exports << EOF /data/nfs/mysql-master *(rw,sync,no_root_squash) /data/nfs/mysql-slaver-01 *(rw,sync,no_root_squash) /data/nfs/mysql-slaver-02 *(rw,sync,no_root_squash) 3. Start the nfs server systemctl […]

Thread synchronization – mutex unlock, unlock

Similar to the locking and unlocking of inter-process communication semaphores. After the mutex is locked, any other thread that attempts to lock the mutex here will be blocked until the current thread releases the mutex lock. If multiple threads are blocked when the mutex is released, all threads blocked on the mutex will become runnable. […]

JAVA Deepening Chapter_32 – Thread synchronization synchronized syntax structure used by threads [with detailed description and code]

Thread synchronization What is thread synchronization Asking synchronization issues In real life, we will encounter the problem of “multiple people want to use the same resource”. For example: In the classroom, there is only one computer and many people want to use it. The natural solution is to line up next to the computer. After […]

java multithreading, thread synchronization

Multi-threading In an application, there are multiple threads, and different threads can perform tasks in parallel Advantages: Improve program processing capabilities Improve cpu utilization Improve the program structure, divide complex tasks into multiple threads, and run them independently Disadvantages: There are many threads and it takes up a lot of memory. Multi-threading requires coordination and […]

sentinel rule persistence-rule synchronization nacos-the most standard configuration

Official reference document: Dynamic rule expansion · alibaba/Sentinel Wiki · GitHub The code that needs to be modified is as follows: In order to facilitate the integration of nacos in subsequent versions, let’s briefly talk about the integration ideas. 1.Change pom Modify the scope of sentinel-datasource-nacos Will <dependency> <groupId>com.alibaba.csp</groupId> <artifactId>sentinel-datasource-nacos</artifactId> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> Change to <dependency> […]

MySQL master-slave synchronization-Gtid

【A Hundred Refinements to Become a Demon】MySQL master-slave synchronization-Gtid Server preparation IP Node Configuration System version master 2c2g40g centos 7.9 slave 2c2g40g centos 7.9 Environment preparation The following operations need to be performed on both machines Turn off firewall systemctl stop firewalld & amp; & amp; systemctl disable firewalld setenforce 0 & amp; […]

MySQL master-slave synchronization-binlog

MySQL master-slave synchronization-binlog Server preparation IP Node Configuration System version master 2c2g40g centos 7.9 slave 2c2g40g centos 7.9 Environment preparation The following operations need to be performed on both machines Turn off firewall systemctl stop firewalld & amp; & amp; systemctl disable firewalld setenforce 0 & amp; & amp; sed -i ‘s/SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=disabled/g’ /etc/selinux/config […]