VSCode installation and usage of clang-format plug-in

VSCode installation and usage of clang-format plug-in 1. clang-format plug-in installation 2. Install the real formatting tool clang-format 3. Generate .clang-format configuration file and modify it 4. Modify configuration file 4.1 Global configuration file modification 4.2 Modification of workspace configuration file 5. Format code 1.clang-format plug-in installation Plug-in installation methods are divided into two types: […]

Format code with Clang-Format using the Visual Studio Code editor

Use the Visual Studio Code editor to format code with Clang-Format Article directory Format code with Clang-Format using the Visual Studio Code editor Preface 1. Install the plug-in 2. Configure the plug-in environment 1. Find the plugin path 2. Set up the plug-in environment 3. Fill in the plug-in tool path 4. Format document generation/production […]

Code formatting tool: clang-format

IDE: Visual Studio Code Language: C/C++ Formatting tool: clang-format Install vscodeInstall the extension C/C++ , the extension will automatically install clang-format: Configuration Preferences Open preferences Shortcut keys: Command + , Search clang-format to configure Configuration effective shortcut key Full-text formatting of the current file Shift + option + F Select block formatting Command + K […]

clang-format and cppcheck automation scripts

Ubuntu installs clang-format and cppcheck# code format automatic adjustment & amp;check clang-format format adjustment Install clang-format: sudo apt install clang-format Generate .clang-format file: clang-format -style=google -dump-config > ~/.clang-format Modify the maximum width of each row, ColumnLimit, to 120. The following is the modified code, which can be saved to the ~/.clang-format file. — Language: Cpp […]

Under linux (wsl), vscode configuration json file, and .clang-format file

c_cpp_properties.json {<!– –> “configurations”: [ {<!– –> “name”: “Linux”, “includePath”: [ “${workspaceFolder}/**” ], “defines”: [], “compilerPath”: “/usr/bin/g + + “, “cStandard”: “c11”, “cppStandard”: “c++17”, “intelliSenseMode”: “clang-x64” } ], “version”: 4 } launch.json {<!– –> // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes. // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes. // For more information, visit: […]

VSCode + clang-format

VSCode enables code style correction 1. Open Settings 2. Set Clang_format Search clang_format related configuration Set clang_format basic style In the basic style, both LLVM and Google are indented to 2, so you need to customize the style. Set the path of clang_format custom style file Specify the path of the custom split file (XXX\.clang-format). […]

[clang-format] Custom

— # Language: None, Cpp, Java, JavaScript, ObjC, Proto, TableGen, TextProto Language: Cpp BasedOnStyle: LLVM # Limit of characters per line, 0 means no limit, up to 120 characters per line ColumnLimit: 40000 # indent width IndentWidth: 4 # indentation width for continuation lines ContinuationIndentWidth: 4 # The offset of the access specifier (public, private, […]

Keil MDK5 plug-in recommendation-Clang-format code formatting plug-in

foreword This article will introduce a code formatting tool called Clang-format, explain in detail how to use the Clang-format plug-in in Keil MDK5 for code formatting, and demonstrate the formatting effect of Clang-format on code. If you are a C/C++ programmer, this article will help you in your daily development work. 1. Introduction to Clang-format […]

vscode installation and configuration clang-format plug-in and use

vscode installation and configuration clang-format plug-in and use Install the plugin first. Search for clang-format in the vscode extension, and install the number one xaver.clang-format. Confirm clang-format executable program path Windows use eveything to find clang-format.exe, The latest extension c/c++ integrates clang-format. For example: C:\Users\jack\.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode.cpptools-1.13.9-win32-x64\LLVM\bin\clang-format.exe. Linux uses the command which clang-format to query the installation […]