glibc2.35-hijack the exit execution process through tls_dtor_list

Foreword glibc2.35 deleted malloc_hook, free_hook and realloc_hook. It is no longer feasible to execute the system by hijacking these three hook functions. Traditional heap vulnerability exploitation is to use any address to write and modify the above hooks to execute the system. After removal, you need to find the same effect that only needs to […]

glibc2.35-hijack the exit execution process through tls_dtor_list

Foreword glibc2.35 deleted malloc_hook, free_hook and realloc_hook. It is no longer feasible to execute the system by hijacking these three hook functions. Traditional heap vulnerability exploitation is to use any address to write and modify the above hooks to execute the system. After removal, you need to find the same effect that only needs to […]

Personal blog – using v-md-edtor editor

Introducing v-md-edtor Installation: npm i @kangc/v-md-editor@next -S introduced in ts The advanced version of v-md-editor is used here. Writing it directly in the main.ts file will be very bloated, so first write the following content in src\plugins\vmeditor.ts import VMdEditor from ‘@kangc/v-md-editor/lib/codemirror-editor’; import ‘@kangc/v-md-editor/lib/style/codemirror-editor.css’; import githubTheme from ‘@kangc/v-md-editor/lib/theme/github.js’; import ‘@kangc/v-md-editor/lib/theme/style/github.css’; import hljs from ‘highlight.js’; import Codemirror […]


PO, VO, BO, DO, DAO, DTO, POJO Summary: Introduction: Configuration method: Configuration steps: PO – Persistent Object VO – Value Object BO – Business Object DO – Data Object DAO – Data Access Object DTO – Data Transfer Object POJO – Plain Old Java Object Summarize: Case DEMO References: Blogger Moyu takes you Go to […]

Python-based data transfer object (DTO) implementation method

The main goal of Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) is to simplify communication between different layers of an application, especially when transferring data through various boundary interfaces such as web services, REST APIs, message brokers, or other remote interaction mechanisms. When exchanging information with other systems, the key is to minimize unnecessary overhead, such as redundant […]

TCP send()&&receive()/UDP sendto&&receivefrom

1. TCP_send function Function prototype: int send(SOCKET s,char *buf,int len,int flags); Function: Both client and server applications use the send function to send data to the other end of the TCP connection. The client program generally uses the send function to send a request to the server, and the server usually uses the send function […]