Thoughts on spring jdk and cglib dynamic proxy caused by Job threw an unhandled exception and No qualifying bean of type x’ available

Article directory 1. Reproducing the error 2. Analysis errors 3. Solve the problem 3.1 Solution 1 3.2 Solution 2 4. Analyze the dynamic proxy of jdk and cglib in spring 4.1 Dynamic proxy comparison 4.2 Differences in principles 4.3 Performance differences 4.4 Respective limitations 4.5 The essential difference between static agents and dynamic agents 1. […]

Spring transaction Transactional and dynamic proxy (2)-cglib dynamic proxy

Series article index: Spring transaction Transactional and dynamic proxy (1)-JDK proxy implementation Spring transaction Transactional and dynamic proxy (2)-cglib dynamic proxy Spring transaction Transactional and dynamic proxy (3) – transaction failure scenario What is cglib Cglib is a powerful, high-performance code generation package that is widely used by many AOP frameworks to provide them with […]

JDK and cglib dynamic proxy

Advantages of dynamic proxies: It can enhance the functions of business methods without changing the source code, improve code reuse and reduce coupling. Simplifies programming work, improves development efficiency, and improves the scalability of software systems Java dynamic proxy mainly has two methods: JDK proxy: interface-based dynamic proxy technology cglib proxy: dynamic proxy technology based […]

The difference between dynamic proxy JDK and cglib: how to handle the This call in the proxy method

The use of JDK and cglib dynamic proxies is not the focus of this article. If you are unclear, students can check the relevant information to learn more. This article mainly talks about the differences and reasons between JDK and cglib dynamic proxies when faced with nested calls to methods. Let’s take a look at […]

JDK, CGLib, Javassist implement dynamic proxy

1. Class loading 1. Class loading process simulation (first understand the class loading process before simulating class loading during running time – create a proxy class and call the target method) public class Programmer {<!– –> public void code() {<!– –> System.out.println(“I’m a Programmer,Just Coding….”); } } /** * Customize a class loader to convert […]

glibc2.35-hijack the exit execution process through tls_dtor_list

Foreword glibc2.35 deleted malloc_hook, free_hook and realloc_hook. It is no longer feasible to execute the system by hijacking these three hook functions. Traditional heap vulnerability exploitation is to use any address to write and modify the above hooks to execute the system. After removal, you need to find the same effect that only needs to […]

glibc2.35-hijack the exit execution process through tls_dtor_list

Foreword glibc2.35 deleted malloc_hook, free_hook and realloc_hook. It is no longer feasible to execute the system by hijacking these three hook functions. Traditional heap vulnerability exploitation is to use any address to write and modify the above hooks to execute the system. After removal, you need to find the same effect that only needs to […]

Dynamic proxy in Java (JDK Proxy VS CGLib)

Foreword Dynamic proxy can be said to be a relatively important content in the basics of Java. This content is related to the AOP implementation principle in the Spring framework, so I wrote a special article as a personal summary of this knowledge. This part of the content mainly includes: basic introduction to JDK Proxy […]

CGLIB proxy, jsp, EL expression, JSTL standard tag library

1. CGLIB agent There is a class that does not implement the interface. If you want to enhance this class, you need to use the CGLIB proxy Import CGLIB package <dependency> <groupId>cglib</groupId> <artifactId>cglib</artifactId> <version>3.3.0</version> </dependency> Write the proxied class package com.wz.practice.proxy.cglib; public class UserService { public void add(){ System.out.println(“——–add execution——–“); } public void update(){ System.out.println(“——–update […]