A brief discussion on using FlinkKafkaProducer to implement Exactly Once semantics on the sink side

Abstract In some important flink data processing scenarios, it is necessary to implement Exactly Once data processing. Exactly Once means that when flink processes data, it can ensure that data is not lost and data is not repeated. The entire flink processing link is roughly divided into three links: Source -> Transform -> Sink. Selecting […]

Teach you step by step how to implement the producer-consumer model

?Yin’s Blog | Yin’s Blog (yinkai.cc), welcome to my blog to read. This article will introduce you to the definition, characteristics, and processes of the producer-consumer model, and take you step by step to implement the producer-consumer model. 1. Introduction The producer-consumer pattern is a concurrency design pattern used to solve the collaboration and data […]

[Linux 1++] Threads (3) including producer-consumer model

Author’s homepage: Attack 1++ Column link: [1++ Linux] Article directory 1. Reentrancy and thread safety 2. Deadlock 3. Thread synchronization What is thread synchronization? How to achieve thread synchronization condition variable 4. Producer and consumer model 1. Basic components and concepts of the producer and consumer models One, reentrancy and thread safety Thread safety: Multiple […]

Kafka Producer message sending process and mechanism

Kafka Producer message sending process and mechanism Message sending process We can use the Producer class provided by Kafka to quickly send messages. The sending demo code is as follows: public class MyProducer {<!– –> // Server connection address private static final String BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS =”worker1:9092,worker2:9092,worker3:9092″; //Basic TOPIC private static final String TOPIC = “disTopic”; public […]

Kafka – 3.x Producer Producer Best Practices

Article directory Production Experience_Producers improve throughput Core parameters Code Production experience_data reliability Message sending process ACK response mechanism ack response level Response Mechanism Summary Code Production experience_data deduplication Data transfer semantics Idempotence idempotence principle Enable idempotent configuration (enabled by default) producer transaction kafka transaction principle Transaction code flow Production experience_data orderly Production experience_data disorder Production […]

RabbitMQ producer reliability

Table of Contents Problems that may arise when using MQ Producer reliability 1. Producer reconnection 2. Producer confirmation 3. Data persistence Switch persistence Queue persistence Message persistence LazyQueue lazy loading Problems that may occur when using MQ Lost while sending message: The producer failed to connect to MQ when sending messages Exchange was not found […]

Kafka – A comprehensive guide to 3.x Kafka producer partitioning techniques

Article directory OverView DefaultPartitionerDefaultPartitioner use Strategy implementation Code When sending data to a specified partition, for example: send all messages to partition 0. Consumer partition allocation when partition is not specified but key is present Do not specify Partition or partition key. Custom partitioner OverView When the message is sent to the broker through the […]

What are some ways to implement the producer-consumer pattern in concurrent programming?

Java all-round learning + interview guide: https://javaxiaobear.cn We mainly learn how to use wait/notify/Condition/BlockingQueue to implement the producer-consumer pattern. Producer-consumer model Let’s first take a look at what the producer-consumer pattern is. The producer-consumer pattern is a very common design pattern in programming and is widely used in scenarios such as decoupling and message queues. […]