Dapper Light for micro-orms

Introduction Dapper is a lightweight ORM (Object Relational Mapping) framework, which can easily map database query results to .NET objects, and also supports the execution of native SQL queries. Below I will introduce how to use Dapper in detail. Install Dapper First, you need to add Dapper to your project via the NuGet package manager. […]

Dapper – Pocket Rocket Mapper

Directory introduce Why use Dapper? accomplish Configure Dapper for use in ASP.NET applications Manage database connections Manage SQL statements sample application example 1 Example 2 in conclusion experience lesson Download source code – 71.4 KB Introduction Dapper is a popular SQL database mapper. Typically, it maps column fields in table rows to and from properties […]

.net general CMS rapid development framework–Question: How to break Dapper’s general multi-table joint paging query?

Recently, I am working on something, similar to that kind of CMS background management system, which is convenient to use as an initialization framework for other projects. Now I have a problem, as the title shows: How to break Dapper’s general multi-table joint paging query? It is easy to implement a single table, and it […]

Encapsulate and operate CRUD based on Dapper connection database to make work more efficient

1. Download Dapper’s Nuget package Dapper Nuget package 2. Test table SQL IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.all_objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[studet_info]’) AND type IN (‘U’)) DROP TABLE [dbo].[studet_info] go CREATE TABLE [dbo].[studet_info] ( [StuNo] varchar(225) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL, [Name] varchar(255) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL, [SchoolName] varchar(255) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL, [isDelect] bigint DEFAULT 0 NULL […]

.NET CORE uses Dapper to operate the database

1. Install the Dapper package Two, create a DapperHelper helper class public class DapperHelper {<!– –> /// Database connection name private static string _connection = string. Empty; /// Get connection name private static string Connection {<!– –> get {<!– –> return _connection; } set {<!– –> _connection = value; } } /// Return connection instance […]