Sklearn cross validation and binary tree drawing

1. Import of related databases and preliminary preparation for binary tree drawing Calling the make_blobs function is mainly to generate classification or clustering data sets n_features indicates how many feature values each sample has n_sample represents the number of samples Centers are the number of cluster center points, which can be understood as the number […]

matplotlib draws multi-tree dendrogram

Directory code Effect Due to the needs of answering questions, etc., sometimes we need to visualize a tree structure to debug intuitively. Here I use in Python The matplotlib library implements a function for dendrogram visualization plotTree(). This function receives the root node root of the tree and the tuple edges of the edges. It […]

Graphics library | EasyX | Graphic drawing

Graphics library | EasyX | Graphic drawing Set color Function Function Set the line color void setlinecolor(COLORREF color) Set fill color void setfillcolor(COLORREF color) Set line color: void setlinecolor(COLORREF color) Specific function: Set the current device line drawing color Return value: empty Parameters: color: set line drawing color Set fill color: void setfillcolor(COLORREF color) Specific […]

Qwt QwtScaleDraw custom coordinate axis

1. Overview QwtScaleDraw is a class in the Qt drawing library Qwt, used to draw axis ticks and tick labels. It provides methods and properties to set the style, layout, and alignment of tick marks and labels. The following is the class inheritance relationship: 2. Commonly used methods Tag related methods: setLabelRotation(double angle): Set the […]

Qwt QwtPlotMultiBarChart draws a multi-column bar chart

1. Overview QwtPlotMultiBarChart is a class in the Qwt drawing library used to draw multi-column bar charts. It can display multiple bars and group them into different categories. Bars under each category can have different colors and widths. The following is a class inheritance diagram: 2. Commonly used methods Setup data: void setSamples (const QVector< […]

Simple drawing tool based on C++(MSVC) and OpenGL

simple-openl-graphic-tool Source code can be downloaded from this project repository: github gitee ?Simple drawing tool based on C++ (MSVC) and OpenGL? Dynamically draw graphics through rubber band technology; Liang-Barsky algorithm batches clipping of straight lines and polylines; Bresenham algorithm draws ellipses at the midpoint of ellipses. Contains executable files, environment configuration guide. Personal website: […]

Julia set and Mandelbrot set drawing (C++)

In this article, we mainly consider two special iterations, namely the Julia set and the Mandelbrot set, which are very famous in fractal geometry. Both are composed of complex functions f ( z ) = z 2 + C f(z)=z^2 + C f(z)=z2 + C is implemented iteratively, but the specific implementation is different. Julia […]

matlab drawing “small warehouse”

(The content will be added when I have free time. The codes for the pictures below are all available. The pictures are all corresponding generated graphics. The version is 2023a) One and two-dimensional diagrams 1. plot x=0:pi/1000:2*pi; y=sin(2*x + pi/4); plot(x,y) 2, plot plot(x,y,x,y + 1,x,y + 2) %Use the plot function to draw matrix […]

There is zero burden on reflow and redrawing, and the web page loads as fast as lightning.

Jiangcheng Cheerful Pea: Personal homepage Personal column :《VUE》《javaScript》 Personal website : “Jiangcheng Cheerful Pea” The ideal of life is for an ideal life! Table of Contents ? Column introduction Article introduction 1. What are reflow and redraw? 2. How to trigger Reflow trigger timing Redraw trigger timing Browser optimization mechanism 3. How to reduce ?Write […]