[Custom Vue component] Tail drop-down menu component (2.0) TailDropDown

Article archive: https://www.yuque.com/u27599042/coding_star/kcoem6dgyn8drglb [Custom Vue Component] DropDown Menu (1.0) DropDownMenu: https://www.yuque.com/u27599042/coding_star/llltv52tchmatwg4 Component effect example Constants that components depend on In the src directory, create the constant directory, create a new tail_drop_down_constant.js file in it, and declare the constants that the component depends on. /** * Constants related to the small tail drop-down menu component * […]

Hezhou Air724UG LuatOS-Air LVGL API control–dropdown box (Dropdown)

Dropdown When too many options are displayed, you can use the drop-down box to close the excess options. Display only one item from the list to the user. Example code — callback function event_handler = function(obj, event) if (event == lvgl.EVENT_VALUE_CHANGED) then print(“Option:”, lvgl.dropdown_get_symbol(obj)) end end –Create drop-down box dd = lvgl.dropdown_create(lvgl.scr_act(), nil) lvgl.dropdown_set_options(dd, [[Apple […]

[Flutter] Flutter uses dropdown_button2 to implement custom drop-down menus

[Flutter] Flutter uses dropdown_button2 to implement custom drop-down menus Article directory I. Introduction 2. Installation and basic use 3. Customization and advanced features 4. Usage in actual business 5. Complete example 6. Summary 1. Foreword Today, I want to share with you a very practical Flutter package – dropdown_button2. This package not only provides rich […]

drop-down box el-badge el-dropdown el-dropdown-menu

<template> <div class=”navbar”> <hamburger id=”hamburger-container” :is-active=”sidebar.opened” class=”hamburger-container” @toggleClick=”toggleSideBar” /> <breadcrumb id=”breadcrumb-container” class=”breadcrumb-container” v-if=”!topNav” /> <top-nav id=”topmenu-container” class=”topmenu-container” v-if=”topNav” /> <div class=”right-menu”> <template v-if=”device!==’mobile'”> <el-dropdown trigger=”hover” > <div class=”right-menu-item” style=”cursor: pointer;”> <el-badge :value=”total” :max=”99″> <img src=”../../assets/images/xiaoxi.svg” style=”width: 23px; height: 21px; vertical-align: middle” /> </el-badge> </div> <el-dropdown-menu slot=”dropdown” class=”dropdownMessage”> <el-dropdown-item class=”clearfix”> <!– Start getting the current user’s […]

About the van-dropdown-item of the vant2 component, on IOS mobile phones, the discussion on the problem that it cannot be clicked under certain conditions

Re-enactment Paste the problematic code first <template> <div :class=”showBar ? ‘homeContain’ : ‘homeContain-nobar'”> <div class=”content” id=”content”> <van-dialog v-model=”loading” :before-close=”onBeforeClose” :show-confirm-button=”false”> <div style=”text-align: center; line-height: 100px”> <van-loading size=”24px”>Loading…</van-loading> </div> </van-dialog> <div> <div class=”contian-title-div”> <div style=”display: flex”> <div class=”contain-title”>{<!– –>{ hospitalName }}</div> <van-dropdown-menu style=”flex: 1″> <van-dropdown-item v-model=”valueUserName” :options=”optionUserName” @change=”userNameChange” /> </van-dropdown-menu> </div> </div> <div v-if=”list. length === […]

How to implement a dropdown menu using CSS?

Gather together and make a little progress every day ? Column introduction ? Use CSS to implement drop-down menus ? HTML structure ? CSS styles ? written at the end ? Column introduction Journey to front-end entry: exploring the wonderful world of web development Remember to click the link above or on the right to […]

vue list|dropdown menu in table environment

The elementui component provides a variety of ui components for vue, but they are all the most basic controls, and do not provide business-level use cases, so they are extended and supplemented. Vue-elementui basic entry and use 1. Drop-down menu There is a gap between the drop-down menu and the select control in html. Select […]

5.4 Bootstrap drop-down menu (Dropdown) plugin

Article directory Bootstrap drop-down menu (Dropdown) plugin usage in the navigation bar in a tab options method Bootstrap drop-down menu (Dropdown) plugin Bootstrap drop-down menu This chapter explains the drop-down menu, but does not involve the interaction part. This chapter will explain the interaction of the drop-down menu in detail. With the Dropdown plugin, you […]

How to create searchable dropdown list in Asp.net and Jquery

HTML code <html> <head> <script src=”Scripts/jquery.searchabledropdown-1.0.8.min.js” type=”text/javascript” ></script> </head> <body> <form id=”form1″ runat=”server”> <asp:DropDownList ID=”myselect” runat=”server”> <asp:ListItem>Select</asp:ListItem> </asp:DropDownList> </form> </body> <script type=”text/javascript”> $(document).ready(function () {<!– –> $(“#myselect”).searchable({<!– –> maxListSize: 200, maxMultiMatch: 300, exactMatch: false, wildcards: true, ignoreCase: true, latency: 200, warnMultiMatch: “top {0} matches…”, warnNoMatch: “no matches…”, zIndex: “auto” }); }); </script> </html> Js code […]