[Custom Vue component] Tail drop-down menu component (2.0) TailDropDown

Article archive: https://www.yuque.com/u27599042/coding_star/kcoem6dgyn8drglb [Custom Vue Component] DropDown Menu (1.0) DropDownMenu: https://www.yuque.com/u27599042/coding_star/llltv52tchmatwg4 Component effect example Constants that components depend on In the src directory, create the constant directory, create a new tail_drop_down_constant.js file in it, and declare the constants that the component depends on. /** * Constants related to the small tail drop-down menu component * […]

Differences and choices between PDO and MySQLi?

When using PHP to access the database, in addition to the database driver that comes with PHP, we generally have two better options: PDO and MySQLi. In the actual development process, to decide which one to choose, you must first have a relatively comprehensive understanding of both. This article analyzes their differences and compares multiple […]

PHP applies PDO technology to operate database

Create test data: First we need to create some test records, and then first demonstrate the use of basic link commands in the database. create table username (uid int not null,name varchar(50), sex varchar(10),age int ); insert into username(uid,name,sex,age) values(1,”李思”,”male”,25); insert into username(uid,name,sex,age) values(2,”Zhang San”,”Male”,33); insert into username(uid,name,sex,age) values(3,”王五”,”女”,56); insert into username(uid,name,sex,age) values(4,”Wang Er Mazi”,”Male”,76); […]

Hezhou Air724UG LuatOS-Air LVGL API control–dropdown box (Dropdown)

Dropdown When too many options are displayed, you can use the drop-down box to close the excess options. Display only one item from the list to the user. Example code — callback function event_handler = function(obj, event) if (event == lvgl.EVENT_VALUE_CHANGED) then print(“Option:”, lvgl.dropdown_get_symbol(obj)) end end –Create drop-down box dd = lvgl.dropdown_create(lvgl.scr_act(), nil) lvgl.dropdown_set_options(dd, [[Apple […]

[Flutter] Flutter uses dropdown_button2 to implement custom drop-down menus

[Flutter] Flutter uses dropdown_button2 to implement custom drop-down menus Article directory I. Introduction 2. Installation and basic use 3. Customization and advanced features 4. Usage in actual business 5. Complete example 6. Summary 1. Foreword Today, I want to share with you a very practical Flutter package – dropdown_button2. This package not only provides rich […]

drop-down box el-badge el-dropdown el-dropdown-menu

<template> <div class=”navbar”> <hamburger id=”hamburger-container” :is-active=”sidebar.opened” class=”hamburger-container” @toggleClick=”toggleSideBar” /> <breadcrumb id=”breadcrumb-container” class=”breadcrumb-container” v-if=”!topNav” /> <top-nav id=”topmenu-container” class=”topmenu-container” v-if=”topNav” /> <div class=”right-menu”> <template v-if=”device!==’mobile'”> <el-dropdown trigger=”hover” > <div class=”right-menu-item” style=”cursor: pointer;”> <el-badge :value=”total” :max=”99″> <img src=”../../assets/images/xiaoxi.svg” style=”width: 23px; height: 21px; vertical-align: middle” /> </el-badge> </div> <el-dropdown-menu slot=”dropdown” class=”dropdownMessage”> <el-dropdown-item class=”clearfix”> <!– Start getting the current user’s […]

PHP’s own framework PDO data table prefix, alias, model, table, join method implementation (Improvement Part 9 – End)

1. Implementation functions, data table prefix, alias, model, table, join method implementation 2. Table prefix implementation 1. Add table prefix to config.php ‘DB_PEX’=>’fa_’,//database prefix 2. Add table prefix method function.php function model($table){ $model=new ModelBase($table,config(“DB_PEX”)); return $model; } function table($table){ return new ModelBase($table); } 3. Add table prefix ModelBase.php to PDO data table private $pex=””;//table prefix […]

About the van-dropdown-item of the vant2 component, on IOS mobile phones, the discussion on the problem that it cannot be clicked under certain conditions

Re-enactment Paste the problematic code first <template> <div :class=”showBar ? ‘homeContain’ : ‘homeContain-nobar'”> <div class=”content” id=”content”> <van-dialog v-model=”loading” :before-close=”onBeforeClose” :show-confirm-button=”false”> <div style=”text-align: center; line-height: 100px”> <van-loading size=”24px”>Loading…</van-loading> </div> </van-dialog> <div> <div class=”contian-title-div”> <div style=”display: flex”> <div class=”contain-title”>{<!– –>{ hospitalName }}</div> <van-dropdown-menu style=”flex: 1″> <van-dropdown-item v-model=”valueUserName” :options=”optionUserName” @change=”userNameChange” /> </van-dropdown-menu> </div> </div> <div v-if=”list. length === […]