Differences and choices between Spring Cloud Stream and SpringBoot integrating RocketMq

Concept overview Spring Boot integrating RocketMQ and Spring Cloud Stream integrating RocketMQ are two different methods. They have some key differences when using RocketMQ message queue: Spring Boot integrates RocketMQ: Spring Boot’s integration of RocketMQ usually directly integrates the RocketMQ client SDK to use RocketMQ in Spring Boot applications. You need to configure RocketMQ’s producers […]

[Django Development Manual] Using a custom user model in Django: a stronger choice than the built-in User

Foreword Django is a very popular Python web framework. Its built-in user authentication system can help us easily implement functions such as registration, login, and permission control. However, if you need to implement more functions, such as custom user attributes, or implement different user types (such as ordinary users and administrator users, etc.), using Django’s […]

Golang Websocket Framework: A new choice for real-time communication

Foreword In modern applications, real-time communication has become a required feature. Websocket is a protocol that establishes a persistent connection between the client and the server, enabling real-time two-way communication. As an efficient and concise language, Golang also provides some excellent Websocket frameworks to facilitate developers to build real-time applications. This article will introduce some […]

watch in vue3 may be a better choice than watchEffect

watch in vue3 may be a better choice than watchEffect One of the most powerful features of vue is the ability to perform reactive side effects based on changes to underlying data. For this purpose, vue3 provides two methods: watch and watchEffect. Although both methods can monitor changes in reactive data, they have different usage […]

Differences and choices between PDO and MySQLi?

When using PHP to access the database, in addition to the database driver that comes with PHP, we generally have two better options: PDO and MySQLi. In the actual development process, to decide which one to choose, you must first have a relatively comprehensive understanding of both. This article analyzes their differences and compares multiple […]

Python test development django-rest-framework-91. Deserialization (ModelSerializer) ChoiceField option field verification…

Foreword When we need to verify the option field, we need to use ChoiceField to verify options There is a field in the model model that is an option field. goods_status can have two statuses, 0 means off the shelf, 1 means on sale, the default class Goods(models.Model): “””Product list””” goods_status = models.IntegerField(choices=( (0, ‘Removed’), […]