TypeScript (1) Type declaration, type inference, union type, interface, function, type assertion, type alias, enumeration

Table of Contents (1) Introduction 1.The difference between JavaScript and TypeScript 2. Advantages of TypeScript (2) Used in vue3 project (3) Type declaration 1.Basic data types (1)string (2) number (3)boolean (4)null and undefined 2. Reference data type (1)Array array (2) Tuple tuple (3)Object object 3.any and void types (1)any (2)void 4. Use typeof to determine […]

Git (2) version control, development history, initial configuration, aliases

Directory 1. Version control 1.1 Why use version control? 1.2 Centralized version control system 1.3 Distributed version control system 1.3 Comparison of two version control systems Centralized (svn) Distributed (git) 2. Development history 3. Initialization configuration 3.1 Configuration file 3.2 Configuration content 4. Alias Official website address: https://www.git-scm.com/ Official documentation: https://www.git-scm.com/docs Official e-book: https://git-scm.com/book/zh/v2 GitHub: […]

[Regaining C Language] 8. Form data organization – structure (type, type alias, direct/indirect access; typical examples: plural, transcript)

Table of Contents Preface 8. Structure 8.1 Structure types 8.2 Structure type name 8.2.1 typedef keyword 8.2.1 Structure type aliases 8.3 Structure variables 8.3.1 Using structure type references 8.3.2 Using structure type definitions 8.3.3 Structure type aliases defined using typedef 8.4 Accessing structure variables 8.4.1 Direct member selection expressions 8.4.2 Indirect member selection expression – […]

of_alias_get_id function and parsing of aliases nodes in the device tree

Reprinted from http://www.cnblogs.com/pengdonglin137/p/5252348.html In the device tree there is a node called aliases: 1: / {<!– –> 2: … … 3: 4: chosen {<!– –> 5: stdout-path = “/serial@13800000”; 6: bootargs = “root=/dev/ram0 rw rootfstype=ext4 console=ttySAC0,115200 ethmac=1C:6F:65:34:51:7E init=/linuxrc”; 7: }; 8: 9: aliases {<!– –> 10: spi0 = “/spi@13920000”; 11: spi1 = “/spi@13930000”; 12: spi2 […]

Dart type aliases and Record

Article directory Preface Record Record syntax Record usage As function parameters and return values: Anonymous field assignment and named field assignment: Comparison of Record: type alias Summarize Foreword In the previous article, we have learned about the common basic types, the use and definition of generics, and the use of collection types in Dart. It […]

Use of elasticsearch aliases

1. Simple to use 1.1. Insert data first user1 index: { “took”: 0, “timed_out”: false, “_shards”: { “total”: 5, “successful”: 5, “skipped”: 0, “failed”: 0 }, “hits”: { “total”: 2, “max_score”: 1.0, “hits”: [ { “_index”: “user1”, “_type”: “_doc”, “_id”: “2”, “_score”: 1.0, “_source”: { “name”: “李思”, “age”: 30 } }, { “_index”: “user1”, “_type”: […]

Linux kernel transplantation based on tiny4412 — aliases node analysis

Author information Author: Peng Donglin Email: [email protected] QQ: 405728433 Platform introduction Development board: tiny4412ADK + S700 + 4GB Flash Kernel version to be ported: Linux-4.4.0 (supports device tree) u-boot version: U-Boot 2010.12 that comes with Friendly Arm (some changes have been made to support uImage startup) busybox version: busybox 1.25 Cross-compilation tool chain: arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc (gcc […]

Computer Graphics Games101 Assignment 2 —- Triangular Rasterization, Supersampling Anti-Aliasing, Black Edge Processing

Games101 Assignment 2 —- Triangle rasterization, supersampling anti-aliasing, black edge processing (This article is a collection of notes compiled based on coursework while studying computer graphics. Please point out any errors. If this is the same course, please do not copy and paste, thank you!) Article directory CG_homework1 0. This assignment implements the function and […]

@vue/cli plug-in development automatically generates alias configuration based on directory list

1.Related documents @vue/cli official documentation @vue/cli @vue/cli Plug-in Development Guide @vue/cli 2. Plug-in naming convention In order for a CLI plug-in to be used normally in a Vue CLI project, it must follow vue-cli-plugin- or @scope/vue-cli-plugin- Such naming convention. This way your plugin can: Discovered by @vue/cli-service; Discovered by other developers through searches; via vue […]