Modern CMake configuration and construction, sample templates, dynamic link libraries, find_package, cache variables, adding pseudo targets to start programs, directory organization, updating CMake

Directory Traditional CMake build installation Modern CMake Sample template dynamic link library find_package Use of cache variables Add pseudo target to launch program Directory organization Update CMake Traditional CMake build and installation review: PUBLIC means that the linked library will not only be applied to the current target, but will also be passed to other […]

CUDA Programming (6) CUDA Memory Organization

1. Introduction to memory organization: Memory in modern computers often has a hierarchy. In this structure, there are multiple types of memory, each with different capacity and latency (latency, which can be understood as the time the processor waits for memory data). Generally speaking, memory with low latency (high speed) has a small capacity, and […]

CUDA programming (2) Thread organization in CUDA

1. Write a Hello World from GPU This article uses win11 + CUDA11.6 After installing cuda, open vs2022. When creating a project, there is a project template. Open Write programs. Hello World program in C++ The process is to write the source code in the IDE, compile it with g++ to get the .out executable […]

X File Storage donated to dromara open source organization and released version 2.0.0

Formerly known as X Spring File Storage, it has been donated to dromara open source organization Introduction One line of code stores files locally, FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Alibaba Cloud OSS, Huawei Cloud OBS, Qiniu Cloud Kodo, Tencent Cloud COS, Baidu Cloud BOS, Youpai Cloud USS, MinIO, Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Kingsoft Cloud KS3, Meituan […]

[Regaining C Language] 13. Dynamic Data Organization (1) Dynamic variables (malloc, calloc, realloc, free)

Table of Contents Preface 13. Dynamic data organization 13.1 Dynamic data organization 13.2 Dynamic variables malloc function calloc function realloc function free function Program example Foreword Dynamic data organization in C language refers to dynamically allocating memory space to store data as needed when the program is running. This allows the program to create, modify, […]

[Regaining C Language] 13. Dynamic data organization (2) Linked list (creation, traversal retrieval, insertion, deletion, exchange)

Table of Contents Preface 13. Dynamic data organization 13.1~2 Dynamic data organization, dynamic variables 13.3 Linked list 13.3.1 One-way linked list-creation 13.3.2 One-way linked list-traversal retrieval 13.3.3 One-way linked list-insertion, deletion and exchange insert delete exchange 13.3.4 One-way linked list-example 13.3.5 Stacks and Queues Foreword A linked list is a common dynamic data structure that […]

[Regaining C Language] 6. Batch Data Organization (4) Linear Table-Stack and Queue

Table of Contents Preface 6. Batch data organization – array 6.1~3 Basic knowledge of arrays 6.4 Linear table – classification and retrieval 6.5~7 Initial value of array; string, character array, string array; type definition typedef 6.8 Linear lists-stacks and queues 6.8.1 Stack global variables isEmpty() isFull() push() pop() test 6.8.2 Queue global variables isEmpty() isFull() […]