Practical use of RBAC authentication

Practical use of RBAC authentication Official documentation Create a ClusterRole named deployment-clusterrole, which has the permission to create Deployment, Statefulset, and Daemonset. Create a name cicd- in the namespace rbac-test token‘s ServiceAccount, binding ClusterRole to ServiceAccount and namespace qualified to rbac-test . My k8s cluster information: root@k8s-master:~# kubectl get node -o wide NAME STATUS ROLES […]

k8s(RBAC) user management

1. Introduction to K8S account system In k8s, there are two types of users, service account and user. We can create a role or clusterrole, and then bind the account to the role or clusterrole to grant permissions to the account and achieve permission control. The functions of the two types of accounts are as […]

Simple JPA implementation of RBAC model-single table and multi-table query

Table of Contents concept Specific implementation of JPA 1. Introduce dependencies 2. Domain module configuration yml file 3. Entity class (take permission table as an example) 4. User module configuration yml file 5. Dao layer interface 6. Service layer interface and implementation class (take UserService as an example) 7. Controller control layer 8. Unit testing […]

[SpringCloud microservice project practice-mall4cloud project (4)]–mall4cloud-rbac

mall4cloud-rbac role permission access control module System architecture and module introduction system structure rbac model introduction Related code Permission verification Interface code Replenish Code address github address Fork from github original project gitee address Fork from gitee original project Introduction to system architecture and modules System architecture As can be seen from the figure, in […]

springboot implements ACL+RBAC permission system

Based on the premise that permission control of the web system is very important, this article introduces how to implement a complete permission system in the springboot project from the two aspects of ALC and RBAC permission control. Source code download: Prologue A backend management system basically has its own permission system. There are […]

Detailed analysis of gRPC examples-RBAC authentication-permission group management-based on custom Token

Detailed analysis of gRPC examples-RBAC authentication-permission group management-based on custom Token What is RABC certification? RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) authorization policy is a method used to control the access rights of users or entities to resources in a system or application. In RBAC, access control is based on roles rather than on individual users. The […]

22-1 rbac permission design

1 table structure design 1 from django.db import models 2 3 # Create your models here. 4 from django.db import models 5 6 # Create your models here. 7 8 9 # User table 10 class UserInfo(models.Model): 11 username = models.CharField(max_length=16, verbose_name=”username”) 12 password = models.CharField(max_length=32, verbose_name=”password”) 13 roles = models.ManyToManyField(to=”Role”, null=True, blank=True) 14 # […]

Kubernetes RBAC

The new role-based access control mechanism (Role-Based Access, RBAC) in Kubernetes version 1.6 allows cluster administrators to conduct more precise resource access control for the roles of specific users or service accounts. In RBAC, permissions are associated with roles, and users gain permissions from those roles by becoming members of the appropriate roles. This greatly […]