Caching in postgreSQL

1. Introduction to cache ?As shown in the figure below, when a postgreSQL process reads a tuple, it needs to obtain the basic information of the table (such as the oid, index information and statistical information of the table) and the schema information of the tuple. This information is recorded in in multiple system tables. […]

[redis] The ssm project integrates redis, redis annotation caching and application scenarios, redis breakdown, penetration, and avalanche solutions

Table of Contents 1. Integrate redis 1 Introduction 1.1. redis (Remote Dictionary Server) 1.2. MySQL 1.3. Difference 2. Integration 2.1. Configuration 2.2. File configuration 2.3. Key generation rule method 2.4. Attention 2. redis annotation cache 1. @Cacheable annotation 2. @CachePut annotation 3. @CacheEvict annotation 4. Application scenarios 3. Redis breakdown and penetration avalanche 1. Cache […]

[Redis] Redis and SSM integration&Redis annotation caching&Redis solves caching problems

1. Integration of Redis and ssm 1.1 pom.xml configuration Configure related redis files in pom.xml redis file: <redis.version>2.9.0</redis.version> <redis.spring.version>1.7.1.RELEASE</redis.spring.version> <dependency> <groupId>redis.clients</groupId> <artifactId>jedis</artifactId> <version>${redis.version}</version> </dependency> The entire pom.xml file: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <project xmlns=”″ xmlns:xsi=”” xsi:schemaLocation=””> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId>org.example</groupId> <artifactId>ssm2</artifactId> <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version> <packaging>war</packaging> <name>ssm2 Maven Webapp</name> <!– FIXME change it to the project’s website –> <url></url> <properties> […]

Mybatis lazy loading (caching)

Lazy loading Advantages of step-by-step query: Lazy loading can be achieved, but global configuration information must be set in the core configuration file: lazyLoadingEnabled: global switch for lazy loading. When enabled, all associated objects will be loaded lazily aggressiveLazyLoading: When turned on, any method call will load all properties of the object. Otherwise, each property […]

Redis realizes the idea of caching likes

Redis implementation of cached like ideas As we all know, live broadcast platforms such as Youku and Douyin will have the function of clicking the screen to like. It is best to leave this kind of less important data to redis for processing. It can be stored in the MySQL database regularly to realize the […]

Use Spring Boot, ConcurrentHashMap, Thymeleaf and Bootstrap to implement user caching functions

Original Lutiao Programming Lutiao Programming 2023-10-11 08:00 Published in Hebei included in collection #cache3 #SpringBoot75 This series of courses will cover many key technologies and tools of Spring Boot, including Mybatis-Plus, Redis, Mongodb, MinIO, Kafka, MySQL, Message Queuing (MQ), OAuth2 and other related content. Use Spring Boot, ConcurrentHashMap, Thymeleaf and Bootstrap to implement user caching […]

Springboot+mp+redis implements caching

student table id sname cid Class table cid cname 1. Query all classes and all information in the class and cache it in rdis (no paging required) 2. Stream stream to obtain the data of the second page (there are 2 pieces of data on each page) pom.xml file <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <project xmlns=”″ xmlns:xsi=”” […]

Caching and paging operations are used in redis

Operation: Springboot+mp+redis // student table id sname cid //Class table cid cname Cache annotations are generally in the service layer Query all classes and all information in the class and cache it in rdis (no pagination required) Stream stream obtains the data on the second page (there are 2 pieces of data on each page) […]

How to deal with front-end local storage and caching?

Gathering sand into a tower, making a little progress every day ? Column introduction Front-end Getting Started Tour: Exploring the Wonderful World of Web Development Welcome to the Front-End Getting Started Tour! If you are interested, you can subscribe to this column! This column is tailor-made for those who are interested in web development and […]