Use Android Jetpack Compose rendering effects to create cool animation effects

How to use rendering effects to create a stunning visual experience in Android Jetpack Compose Learning example: How to use rendering effects to change the UI interface Introduction Jetpack Compose provides a variety of tools and components for building engaging UIs, but one of the lesser-known gems in Compose is RenderEffect. In this blog post, […]

Jetpack Compose large screen adaptation exploration

Article directory 1. Convert the original size to the window Size class 2. Measurement constraints 3. Constraint layout 4. Demo Official documentation: When you use Compose to lay out your entire app, app-level and screen-level composables take up all the space allocated to the app for rendering. At this level of app design, it […]

Deployment of yolov8 tensorrt model under Jetson Xavier NX (Jetpack5.1.2, CUDA11.4, Cudnn8.6.0, Tensorrt8.5.2)

Article directory Preface Jetson Xavier NX environment configuration 1. TensorRT-Alpha source code download 1. Source code download 2.File settings 2. Yolov8 model deployment 1. Export yolov8 onnx model 2. Use tensorrt to convert onnx files to trt files 3. Source code modification 4.Compile 5. Run Summarize refer to Foreword Records of the deployment process and […]

Jetpack Compose | State status management and interface refresh

We know that the UI composable items in Jetpack Compose (hereinafter referred to as Compose) are described through functions declared by @Composable, such as: @Composable funGreeting() { Text( text = “init”, color = Color.Red, modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth() ) } The above code describes a static Text, so how to update the UI in Compose? State […]

The new version of jetpack navigation2.5.3 returns repeated creation of fragments

When navigation returns, it will re-create the version of the fragment before 2.3.5, most of the modifications (the new version is invalid): override fun navigate( destination: Destination, args: Bundle?, navOptions: NavOptions?, navigatorExtras: Navigator.Extras? ): NavDestination? { if (mFragmentManager.isStateSaved) { Log.i( TAG, “Ignoring navigate() call: FragmentManager has already” + “saved its state” ) return null } […]

Jetpack WindowManager 1.1 stable version

Author/Android Developer Relations Engineer Francesco Romano In the more than a year since the stable release of Jetpack WindowManager 1.0, a lot has changed in the world of foldable and large-screen devices. Many new devices have entered the market and tons of new use cases have been unlocked! The Jetpack WindowManager library plays an important […]

Jetpack WindowManager 1.1 stable version

Author/Android Developer Relations Engineer Francesco Romano In the more than a year since the stable release of Jetpack WindowManager 1.0, a lot has changed in the world of foldable and large-screen devices. Many new devices have entered the market and tons of new use cases have been unlocked! The Jetpack WindowManager library plays an important […]

Jetpack: 009-lambdas, anonymous functions and closures in kotlin

Article directory 1. Concept introduction 2. How to use 2.1 Variables of function type 2.2 Higher-order functions 3. Content summary 4.Experience sharing We introduced the content related to Icon and Imamg in Jetpack in the previous chapter. This chapter mainly introduces the content in Kotlin. lambda, anonymous functions and closures. Enough chatting, let’s talk Android […]