Fuzzy complementary judgment matrix: a powerful tool for multi-attribute decision-making and Matlab practice

Fuzzy complementary judgment matrix: a powerful tool for multi-attribute decision-making and Matlab practice Introduction In the real world, we often need to make multi-attribute decisions, and these decisions usually involve various uncertainties and ambiguities. To address these challenges, multi-attribute decision-making methods emerged. This article will conduct an in-depth study of a multi-attribute decision-making method, that […]

[Transfer] [Gaussian] Gaussian fuzzy algorithm [2]

Two years ago, I published an article: C++ Gaussian Blur Algorithm Example under Win32, which gave an implementation of Gaussian Blur and wrote a rough introduction. However, the content was very simple at that time, and the accompanying example algorithm was flawed: First, the corners of the image are processed by “skipping”, resulting in black […]

Text fuzzy matching between two lists

Text fuzzy matching of two lists Principle: According to the number of identical characters, return the most matched elements Similar to text search, directly enter the code a = [ ‘Yunnan Yuanyang County’,’Yunnan Pingbian County’,’Chongqing Qianjiang District’,’Tibet Shenzha County’,’Hebei Pingshan County’,’Hebei Lincheng County\ ‘,’Yangyuan County, Hebei’,’Ningwu County, Shanxi’,’Xuanhan County, Sichuan’,’Yuzhong County, Gansu’,’Huangping County, Guizhou’,’Guizhou Tian […]

MySQL fuzzy query no longer needs like+%!

Foreword We all know that InnoDB’s use of “%xx” when fuzzy querying data will cause index failure, but sometimes the demand is just like this. There are many similar demands. For example, search engines need to perform full-text searches based on keywords of user data, e-commerce The website needs to search in the detailed description […]

CV fuzzy detection (Laplacian operator)

Calculate the amount of blur in the image using OpenCV, Python and the Laplacian operator This ultra-cute, hyper-active domestic beagle may be the most photographed dog of all time. From when we got him at 8 weeks old, to now, in less than 3 years, we have collected more than 6,000 photos of dogs. This […]

DuckDB’s AsOf join: fuzzy temporal lookup

Summary DuckDB supports AsOf Joins – a method of matching nearby values. They are particularly useful for searching event tables for temporal analysis. Have time series data you want to join but the timestamps don’t quite match? Or want to use time from another table to find values that change over time? Did you end […]

Mybatisplus configures the interceptor to implement save encryption, output decryption, and fuzzy query

Foreword: Due to company needs, certain field values of certain entity classes need to be encrypted and saved, and the plain text output can be decrypted during query. There are two ways to record. 1. The first method: (1) Use @TableField(typeHandler = TypeHandler.class) to annotate the field type handler that comes with it, and write […]

mybatis-plus data fields are encrypted and decrypted and stored in the database, and the encrypted fields support fuzzy search

mybatis-plus data is encrypted and decrypted into the database, and the encrypted fields support fuzzy search Prerequisite introduction (development environment + requirements) 1. Development framework and environment 2. Requirements introduction (background) 3. Design ideas 4. Specific implementation 4.1. Dependencies 4.2 **Inherit the BaseTypeHandler class of Mybatis and override the method** 4.3 **AES encryption tools** 4.4 […]