Container image security vulnerability scanning-Trivy

1. Trivy Overview Trivy (tri pronounced as trigger, vy as envy) is a simple yet comprehensive vulnerability/misconfiguration scanner for containers and other artifacts. Software vulnerabilities are glitches, flaws, or weaknesses in software or operating systems. Trivy detects vulnerabilities in operating system packages (Alpine, RHEL, CentOS, etc.) and specific language packages (Bundler, Composer, npm, yarn, etc.). […]

Harbor+Trivy implements image vulnerability scanning

Article directory Install Harbor Trivy oras Download compressed package Unzip and install Offline vulnerability library oras way trivy way Configure offline library Scan image harbor configuration Scan image Scan using command Installation Harbor When installing Harbor, specify the –with-trivy parameter and install the trivy component. ./ –with-trivy Trivy Download the latest version of the installation […]

[Solved] Raspberry Pi 4b installs kivy under miniconda, the example reports an error ‘ImportError… version ‘GLIBCXX_3.4.29′ not found’ solution

I feel that my luck has been very bad recently, or my luck has been very bad. Why do you have to step on the pit? Okay, let’s go to the pit again and make up for it. Because I wanted to install Ubuntu22.04 on the Raspberry Pi 4B, I could simply implement some interactive […]