Compose Material3 adds new vertical separator (VerticalDivider) analysis and doubts

Foreword Google released the Compose Material3 1.2.0-alpha04 version on July 28. In this version, two new components were added (modified), vertical separators and segmented buttons: Experimental Segmented Button API. Dividers now have a parameter to control orientation to support vertical dividers. This article will analyze the source code of the separator and explain a strange […]

pandas – DataFrame data formatting (rounding, percentage, thousands separator, split) (round, apply, map, split)

pandas – DataFrame 1. Data formatting – round (rounded) def dataFormatRound(): “”” Data Formatting – Rounding :return: “”” data = [ [100011.12345, 200012.34567, 300013.56789], [100021.12345, 200022.34567, 300023.56789], [100031.12345, 200032.34567, 300033.56789], [100041.12345, 200042.34567, 300043.56789], [100051.12345, 200052.34567, 300053.56789] ] columns = [‘col-1’, ‘col-2’, ‘col-3’] index = [‘idx-1’, ‘idx-2’, ‘idx-3’, ‘idx-4’, ‘idx-5’] df = pd. DataFrame(data=data, index=index, columns=columns) […]

Shiro permission control principle and permission separator use

AuthorizingRealm AuthorizingRealm is a key class for shiro to control login authentication and authentication. This class integrates AuthenticatingRealm and provides two abstract methods: protected abstract AuthorizationInfo doGetAuthorizationInfo(PrincipalCollection principals); protected abstract AuthenticationInfo doGetAuthenticationInfo(AuthenticationToken token) throws AuthenticationException; Usually these two abstract methods need to be implemented by ourselves, that is, to customize the Realm class, such as: […]

Use Vant+JS to implement a custom amount keyboard. The text exceeds the width and automatically shrinks and adds a thousand separator

<template> <div class=”main”> <div class=”big”> <div class=”value_big” id=”value_big”> <span class=”buy_value” id=”buy_value” style=”font-size: 40px;”>{<!– –>{payNum || ‘0’}}<span class=”dw_title”>元</span></span> </div> </div> <div class=”buy_big”> <van-grid :border=”false” :column-num=”3″ :clickable=”true” class=”van_grid”> <van-grid-item @click=”toPayNum(‘1’)” class=”van_grid_item”> <span class=”pay_num”>1</span> </van-grid-item> <van-grid-item @click=”toPayNum(‘2’)” class=”van_grid_item”> <span class=”pay_num”>2</span> </van-grid-item> <van-grid-item @click=”toPayNum(‘3’)” class=”van_grid_item”> <span class=”pay_num”>3</span> </van-grid-item> <van-grid-item @click=”toPayNum(‘4’)” class=”van_grid_item”> <span class=”pay_num”>4</span> </van-grid-item> <van-grid-item @click=”toPayNum(‘5’)” class=”van_grid_item”> <span class=”pay_num”>5</span> […]