Calculate the percentage of the tree structure, construct the tree, sort the ranking

package org.jeecg.modules.statistics.service.impl; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.service.impl.ServiceImpl; import jodd.util.StringUtil; import org.jeecg.common.config.IotDBSessionConfig; import org.jeecg.common.utils.IotResultUtil; import org.jeecg.modules.alarm.service.IEmElectricityAlarmRecordService; import org.jeecg.modules.basic.entity.EmBasicRegion; import org.jeecg.modules.basic.service.IEmBasicRegionService; import org.jeecg.modules.basic.vo.EmBasicRegionVo; import org.jeecg.modules.device.entity.EmElecMeter; import org.jeecg.modules.device.service.IEmElecMeterService; import org.jeecg.modules.statistics.mapper.DeviceRankingMapper; import org.jeecg.modules.statistics.query.DeviceRankingQuery; import org.jeecg.modules.statistics.service.DeviceRankingService; import org.jeecg.modules.statistics.util.SankeyGraph; import org.jeecg.modules.statistics.util.SankeyGraphConverter; import org.jeecg.modules.statistics.vo.DeviceRankingVo; import org.jeecg.modules.statistics.vo.ModbusRegisterVo; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.*; import; @Service public class DeviceRankingServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<DeviceRankingMapper, DeviceRankingQuery> […]

Use openXML to write xlsx files, cell style, retain the last two decimal places and percentage style

sdfsdfsdfdffor record at will! Due to the company’s reporting requirements, multiple report xlsx files of the same format need to be merged into the same xlsx. The report headers are the same (the first three lines are the report headers), and the sheets are the same. Because the project is urgent, there are still many […]

CSS3CSS3 2D transformation – rotate ③ (use transform-origin to set the rotation center point | use orientation word/percentage value/pixel value to set the rotation center point)

Article directory 1. Use transfrom-origin to set the rotation center point 2. Code example – use transfrom-origin to set the center of rotation 1. Code example – use localizer to set the rotation center point 2. Code example – use percentage to set rotation center point 3. Code example – use pixel value to set […]

Will the upper-level package box definitely affect the percentage calculation in the sub-box css, will overflow:hidden take effect?

This article is organized in: (Layout and Containing Blocks – CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN ( At the same time, I added my own understanding, reorganized the order of introduction, and added relevant content. And the percentage of line height and font size is also summarized and introduced. Definitely worth a read. In a […]

pandas – DataFrame data formatting (rounding, percentage, thousands separator, split) (round, apply, map, split)

pandas – DataFrame 1. Data formatting – round (rounded) def dataFormatRound(): “”” Data Formatting – Rounding :return: “”” data = [ [100011.12345, 200012.34567, 300013.56789], [100021.12345, 200022.34567, 300023.56789], [100031.12345, 200032.34567, 300033.56789], [100041.12345, 200042.34567, 300043.56789], [100051.12345, 200052.34567, 300053.56789] ] columns = [‘col-1’, ‘col-2’, ‘col-3’] index = [‘idx-1’, ‘idx-2’, ‘idx-3’, ‘idx-4’, ‘idx-5’] df = pd. DataFrame(data=data, index=index, columns=columns) […]

The parent element sets max-height, the child element height sets a percentage, and the child element fails to inherit the height of the parent element

Description of requirements: In the small program, the height of the outermost page is 100%, and the height of the first box inside is max-height: 60%; there are title and content in the first box, and the content height should follow the height of the first box Go, the highest is the height of the […]

echarts horizontal multi-group histogram (percentage display)

Finished picture: code show as below: var chartDom = document. getElementById(“middle_left”); var myChart = this. $echarts. init(chartDom); let yData = [ “Healthy Behavior and Lifestyle”, “Growth and puberty health care”, “Mental Health”, “prevent disease”, “Safety emergency and avoidance”, “Social Adaptation and Environmental Health” ]; let allData = [82, 34, 90, 14, 11, 30]; let girlData […]

Google has increased the planning ability of GPT-4 by 70 percentage points, and can do 24-point crossword puzzles, prompting new achievements of the project

Cressy from Aufei TempleQubit | Public Account QbitAI With the support of this project, GPT-4 can complete more complex planning tasks. Blackjack, creative writing, and even crossword puzzles are all within reach. In the past, the accuracy rate of GPT-4 on 24 points was only 4%, which directly increased to 74%. This project was jointly […]