[Side scrolling classification] uniapp linkage sidebar navigation classification

The effect picture is as follows, the Alipay applet can be tested by yourself template <template> <view> <view class=”scroll-panel” id=”scroll-panel”> <view class=”list-box”> <view class=”left”> <scroll-view scroll-y=”true” :style=”{ ‘height’:scrollHeight }” :scroll-into-view=”leftIntoView” :scroll-with-animation=”true” > <view class=”item” v-for=”(item,index) in navList” :key=”index” :class=”{ ‘activeItem’:navNow==item.deptid }” :id=”‘left-‘ + index” :data-index=”index” @click.stop=”leftTap(item,item.deptid)” >{<!– –>{<!– –>item.deptname}}</view> </scroll-view> </view> <view class=”main”> <!– :current=”leftIndex” […]

[Side scrolling classification] uniapp linkage sidebar navigation classification

<template> <view class=”container”> <!– top panel –> <view class=”top–panel”> <!– The top panel, you can add the content code that needs to be placed at the top of the page. For example, banner image –> <view style=”background-color: #ffaa00;text-align: center;font-size: 28rpx;padding: 10px 0;color: #fff;”> <view>The top content occupies the area here, delete it if you don’t […]

230603 – Sphinx configure Pydata-Sphinx-Theme theme + adjust sidebar width

Before and after comparison width setting define layout /* Change the default width of primary sidebar */ .bd-sidebar-primary {<!– –> width: 15%; } /* Change the default width of secondary sidebar */ .bd-sidebar-secondary {<!– –> width: 15%; } /* Maximum the main content */ .bd-main .bd-content .bd-article-container {<!– –> max-width: 100%; /* default is 60em […]

docsify single document generation page sidebar can be folded

docsify can quickly help you generate documentation websites. The difference from GitBook and Hexo is that it does not generate static .html files, and all conversions are done at runtime. If you want to start using it, just create an index.html to start writing documentation and deploy directly. Official website address: https://docsify.js.org/#/zh-cn/ Specific usage method […]

Vue-element-admin clicks on the sidebar to refresh the current page

vue-element-admin clicks on the sidebar to refresh the current page Write the directory title here Vue-element-admin clicks on the sidebar to refresh the current page foreword 1. Refresh the entire routing page 2. Only refresh the nested routing page Foreword Before using the spa (single-page application) development model, users would re-request this page every time […]

[Python] ChatGPT: Python calls the browser extension ChatGPT Sidebar to realize the use of ChatGPT when there is no openai key

Directory I. Introduction 2. Preparation 3. New project (1) Start PyCharm for the first time (2) Setting language: Simplified Chinese (3) New project (4) New package ①Common ② Chat gpt (5) Create a new directory ① Report (6) Create a new file ① Chrome Web Driver.py ② ChatgptSidebar.py Fourth, PyCharm imports third-party libraries (1) selenium […]

Make an auto-hide sidebar!

Here is a picture of this demo: You can also make up the following two images by yourself: ##1. Build the basic framework of the web page and introduce external style sheets and scripts The page structure is roughly like this (see the source code at the bottom for details): body>(div.sidebar>li*n>a.icon) + a.btn Next reference […]

[Solved] Modify vue-element-admin to report blank sidebar and navigation bar error

Problem description Modify the style of the navigation bar and sidebar according to your own needs. During the modification process, the navigation bar and sidebar suddenly disappeared, and the console reported red, saying that there was a problem with the registration of the navigation bar and sidebar. However, I haven’t changed the original registration component […]