JS-26 Know anti-shake and throttling functions; custom anti-shake, throttling functions; custom deep copy, event bus functions

Table of Contents 1_ Anti-shake and throttling 1.1_ Know the anti-shake and throttling functions 1.2_Understanding the anti-shake debounce function 1.3_The case of anti-shake function 1.4_ Know the throttle function 2_Underscore realizes anti-shake and throttling 2.1_Underscore realizes anti-shake and throttling 2.2_Custom anti-shake function 2.3_Custom throttle function 3_Custom deep copy function 4_Custom event bus 1_Anti-shake and throttling […]

Custom instruction directives: anti-shake, throttling, element-ui’s infinite scroll package used on el-table

Vue official website for the introduction of custom instructions add link description In addition to the default built-in directives for core functionality (v-model and v-show), Vue also allows custom directives to be registered. Note that in Vue2.0, the main form of code reuse and abstraction is components. However, in some cases, you still need to […]

How to use debounce and throttling in Vue

How to use anti-shake and throttling in Vue Be careful when listening to frequently triggered events, such as user typing in an input box, window resizing, scrolling, and Intersection Observer events. These events are always fired frequently, maybe every few seconds. It would be unwise to initiate a fetch request (or something similar) for every […]

HTTP(11) Restricted Throttling in Swift

Introduction to HTTP HTTP infrastructure HTTP request body HTTP load request HTTP mock test HTTP chain loader HTTP dynamic modification request HTTP request options HTTP reset HTTP cancel HTTP throttling HTTP retry HTTP basic authentication HTTP automatic authentication settings HTTP automatic authentication HTTP Composite Loader HTTP Brainstorm HTTP summary I once worked on an application […]

Anti-shake and throttling and various implementations

When a user performs operations on a web page, such as clicking, scrolling, inputting, etc., events are often triggered frequently. If each event immediately executes the corresponding function, it may cause performance issues and poor user experience, because these functions may need to perform complex operations, such as calculations, network requests, etc. To optimize this […]

How to use Debounce and Throttling in Vue

This article is translated by Liu Kailong, front-end engineer of 360 Qiwu Troupe Original title: How to Debounce and Throttle Callbacks in Vue Author: Dmitri Pavlutin Original address: dmitripavlutin.com/vue-debounc… Be careful when listening to frequently triggered events, such as user typing in an input box, window resizing, scrolling, and Intersection Observer events. These events are […]

Clarify K8S OOM and CPU throttling mechanism in one article

Introduction Out of memory (OOM) errors and CPU throttling are major pain points for resource handling in cloud applications when using Kubernetes. why is that? CPU and memory requirements in cloud applications are becoming increasingly important because they are directly related to your cloud costs. With limits and requests , you can configure how pods […]