The difference between apply, call, and bind-attachment: anti-shake, throttling function

The difference between apply, call, and bind Similar 1.1 All three can change the this point in the function 1.2 The first parameter is the object pointed to by this to be changed Differences 2.1. The second parameter: apply passes the parameter array; call and bind pass the parameter list, and apply and call are […]

JS high-level skills (deep and shallow copy, throttling, anti-shake)

Article directory JS Advanced Skills deep copy shallow copy deep copy Deep copy through recursion Use recursive function to realize setTimeout simulation setInterval effect JS library lodash implements deep copy inside cloneDeep Deep copy via JSON.stringfy() exception handling 1.throw throws an exception 2. try/catch capture exception 3. debugger handle this this points to Ordinary function […]

JavaScript Knowledge Event Loop, Closures, Promises, Prototypal Inheritance, Debounce and Throttling, Modularization, Deep and Shallow Copy, Event Delegation, Garbage Collection, and the this Keyword

1. Event loop The event loop is the core mechanism of the JavaScript runtime environment, which is responsible for handling asynchronous tasks, such as setTimeout, setInterval, and various I/O operations. JavaScript is single-threaded, which means it can only handle one task at a time. In order to achieve asynchronous operations, the event loop divides tasks […]

SpringBoot uses Redis cache, combined with Aop and custom annotations to achieve interface throttling

A Programmer’s Path to Growth Internet/Programmer/Technology/Data Sharing focus on It will take about 2.8 minutes to read this article. From: Interface throttling is a business requirement during the development process to prevent a single microservice module from suddenly experiencing too much concurrency and resulting in unsmooth user services, that is, to achieve a fixed […]

Closure, Dom and Bom, handwritten deep copy function, handwritten anti-shake and throttling, handwritten event bus

1. Closure 2.Dom 3. Bom 4. Handwritten deep copy function 5. Anti-shake 6. Throttle 7. Handwritten event bus 1. Closure 1) Personally understand the meaning: a closure is a function that can access free variables in the outer scope. In a broad sense, a function is a closure. In a chivalrous sense, a function that […]

45. Current limiting Throttling and source code analysis

What is current limiting? Current limiting is similar to the permission mechanism. It also decides whether to accept the current request, and is used to control the number of times the client is allowed to make requests to the API within a certain period of time, that is, the frequency Assuming that a client (such […]

Flutter – implement anti-shake and throttling

demo address: The code is updated from time to time, please go to github to view the latest code What are anti-shake and throttling? Function throttling (throttle) and function anti-shake (debounce) are both to limit the execution frequency of the function to optimize the response speed caused by the high trigger frequency of the […]

[Optimization of high-frequency trigger events] Package throttling and anti-shake

Digital management platform Vue3 + Vite + VueRouter + Pinia + Axios + ElementPlus Vue permission system case personal blog address Recently, the project has a data export function. Previously, the back-end was processed synchronously, and the front-end did anti-shake processing. When the amount of data is extremely large, the response time is extremely long. […]

How to use Debounce and Throttling in Vue

Dachang interview question sharing interview question bank Front-end and back-end interview question bank (necessary for interview) Recommended: Address: Front-end interview question bank &mid=2247485824 &idx=3 &sn=70cd26a7c0c683de64802f6cb9835003 &scene=21#wechat_redirect Be careful when listening to frequently triggered events, such as user typing in an input box, window resizing, scrolling, and Intersection Observer events. These events are always fired […]

[JavaScript] anti-shake, throttling, deep copy

Know the anti-shake and throttling functions ? The concept of anti-shake and throttling actually did not first appear in software engineering. Anti-shake appeared in electronic components, and throttling appeared in fluid flow< /strong>medium JavaScript is event-driven, and a large number of operations will trigger events and add them to the event queue for processing. For […]