After nginx proxy, get the real IP and do concurrent access restriction (current limiting)

When the site is running, in order to prevent DDoS attacks or data bursts caused by internal interface calls, nginx provides a limit current limiting module: HttpLimitZoneModule limits the number of concurrent accesses at the same time. HttpLimitReqModule limits access to data, up to a few requests per second. 1. Normal configuration: What is a […]

[Restrict input box value type] Custom instruction el-input input type restriction, vue and html versions

Foreword We often encounter input boxes that need to be restricted to numbers. Because the user is outrageous, he insists on entering English or Chinese where the numbers are clearly entered. However, it is more troublesome to use the UI framework or write your own methods to verify the form. It is very troublesome to […]

Web page restriction removal code (oil monkey plug-in) can kill most websites and remove restrictions on copying, cutting, text selection, and right-click menus.

// ==UserScript== // @namespace // @name web page restriction lifted // @name:en Remove web limits // @name:zh Web page restriction lifted // @name:zh-CN Web page restriction lifted // @name:zh-TW Web page restriction lifted // @name:ja ウェブのRegulations are relaxed // @description Kill most websites and remove restrictions on copying, cutting, text selection, and right-click menus. […]

Linux restricts user permissions, JSch, ChannelSftp, ChannelExec, java.util.InterruptedException, /etc/ssh/sshd_config, setfacl

Problem background: Other systems need to get files on the server when requesting my interface, but I don’t want to give them to users with more permissions. So I want to create a new user sftpuser on Linux. This user can only download files from the directory and subdirectories I provided, and cannot perform other […]

Restricted cubic spline regression (RCS) R code implementation based on the rms package

1. Principle Restricted cubic spline (Restricted cubic spline, RCS) is one of the most common methods for analyzing nonlinear relationships. RCS uses a cubic function to fit the curves between different nodes and connect them smoothly, thereby achieving the process of fitting the entire curve and testing its linearity. As you can imagine, the number […]

Use Golang to implement HTTP proxy to break through IP access restrictions

Introduction In today’s Internet era, in order to maintain security and protect user privacy, websites and service providers often block or restrict specific IP addresses. However, sometimes we may need to access these restricted websites or services. In order to overcome this restriction, we can use an HTTP proxy to hide the real client IP […]

Typical security configuration (2) Using ACL to restrict users’ access to specific servers at specific times

Typical security configuration (1) Case of using ACL to restrict FTP access rights_Xiamen Weisi Network’s Blog-CSDN Blog In this example, the local user login password method configured is irreversible-cipher, which means that the user password is encrypted using an irreversible algorithm, and illegal users The password cannot be obtained after special processing by the decryption […]

Using js and css, how to implement restriction operations such as prohibiting copying and prohibiting debugging on the page

When we develop the system, we may receive such requirements: Do not let users copy the text or pictures on the page, do not let users debug our pages, and do not even let users perform printing operations, etc. Doesn’t this sound overwhelming? How can this be achieved? Is this necessary? Can this be banned? […]

Android-Q has restrictions on startActivity(). How to adapt?

1. Q disable background startup Activity Today, let’s talk about the topic of “The impact of the prohibition on starting activities in the background in Android Q on the launch page design of existing domestic apps”, and then talk about the specific details of Android Q’s restriction on starting activities in the background. Some people […]

Contain in CSS is a restrictive property that even fixed positioning depends on its wink.

There are so many ways to layout CSS, and there are many ways to express elements. Like those we are familiar with: inline elements, block elements, list elements, table elements, absolute positioning, fixed positioning, floating, flexible layout, grid layout, etc. The specific rendering of an element may be affected by parent-child elements and sibling elements. […]