Writing LSF esub in Python

LSF esub provides verification and control functions for user-submitted tasks and is one of the frequently used LSF functions. Common esub is written in shell script, which can also be written in any language. To write esub scripts well, you need to understand the mechanism of esub. LSF writes the relevant parameters of user-submitted tasks […]

Linux restricts user permissions, JSch, ChannelSftp, ChannelExec, java.util.InterruptedException, /etc/ssh/sshd_config, setfacl

Problem background: Other systems need to get files on the server when requesting my interface, but I don’t want to give them to users with more permissions. So I want to create a new user sftpuser on Linux. This user can only download files from the directory and subdirectories I provided, and cannot perform other […]

Real-time operating system memory management – TLSF algorithm

Memory Management – TLSF Algorithm foreword TLSF algorithm: Why memory is also called memory “block”: O(1) Finding a free block: Determine fl: Determine sl: Upgrade application: Split block: How do free blocks form a linked list? Reduce external debris: Find upper and lower blocks: Merge blocks: doubt: Foreword Vue framework: learn Vue from the project […]

LSF usage tips: What does the application exit code mean?

Description of application exit codes in LSF Exit code Description 0 No errors occurred during the running of the application, and it ended normally. 1 ~ 125 Application exit code, you need to check the application manual to determine the meaning of the exit code. Some applications also end normally with a non-zero exit code. […]