osg implements cubic spline Cardinal curve

Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2. Preliminary knowledge 3. Two-dimensional Cardinal curve implemented by Qt 4. Use osg to implement three-dimensional Cardinal curve 4.1. Tools/Materials 4.2. Code implementation 1. Foreword When designing vector patterns, we often need to use curves to express the shape of objects. Simply drawing with mouse tracks is obviously insufficient. So […]

Restricted cubic spline regression (RCS) R code implementation based on the rms package

1. Principle Restricted cubic spline (Restricted cubic spline, RCS) is one of the most common methods for analyzing nonlinear relationships. RCS uses a cubic function to fit the curves between different nodes and connect them smoothly, thereby achieving the process of fitting the entire curve and testing its linearity. As you can imagine, the number […]

Qt implements cubic spline Cardinal curve

Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2. Preliminary knowledge 3. Code implementation 4. Appendix 1. Preface When designing vector patterns, we often need to use curves to express the shape of objects. Simply drawing with mouse tracks is obviously insufficient. So we hope to implement such a method: the designer manually selects control points, and then […]

Cubic parametric splines and Cardinal curves

Table of Contents 1. Cubic parametric spline 1.1. Definition 1.2 Expressions 1.3 Algorithm 1.4 Code implementation 1.4.1 Read value point 1.4.2 Draw type value points 1.4.3 Drawing of cubic parametric splines 1.4.4 Main function call 2. Cardinal Curve 2.1 Hermite basis matrix 2.2 Cardinal Curve 2.3 Cardinal algorithm 2.4 Code implementation 2.4.1 Read value point […]

Discussion on cable force optimization technology for cable-stayed bridges combining simulated annealing method and cubic B-splines: collaboration between Tcl and Python

With the development of modern cable-stayed bridge design, finding effective optimization methods to improve structural stability and economy has become a hot topic in the engineering community. This article mainly discusses the application of simulated annealing method and cubic B-spline curve in cable force optimization of cable-stayed bridges, and uses Tcl and Python for specific […]

Cubic spline interpolation (perfectly implemented in Python, available in three forms!)

Cubic spline interpolation method The formula method iteration is used instead of Newton. I think it is more accurate. Newton is just convenient for hand calculation and the error will naturally be large. import time import numpy as np importsympy from sympy import symbols, plot_implicit, Eq from fractions import Fraction import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ”’ […]

Matrix multiplication in Rust that outperforms cubic complexity

Halfway through: three matrix multiplications 1. Description I wrote an implementation of Strassen’s matrix multiplication algorithm in C++ a few years ago and recently reimplemented it in Rust as I continue to learn the language. This is a useful exercise in learning Rust’s performance characteristics and optimization techniques, because although Strassen’s algorithmic complexity is superior […]

Linear interpolation, cubic spline interpolation matlab code, both extrapolation and interpolation

The principle of linear interpolation is very simple, you can do it yourself. Cubic spline interpolation, there are many specific principles on the Internet, so I won’t go into details here. For details, please refer to Spline Interpolation (Spline Interpolation)-Cloud Community-Huawei Cloud (huaweicloud.com) Matlab itself comes with interp1 and interp2, which can be called directly. […]

R language draws the famous cubic network connectivity graph with complete color combinations

library(igraph) library(RColorBrewer) g3 <- make_graph(“Cubical”)%>%set_vertex_attr(“color”, value = brewer.pal(8,”Set1″)) V(g3)$name <- letters[1:8] plot(g3) g3 <- make_graph(“Cubical”)%>%set_vertex_attr(“color”, value = brewer.pal(8,”Set2″)) g3 <- make_graph(“Cubical”)%>%set_vertex_attr(“color”, value = brewer.pal(8,”Set3″)) g3 <- make_graph(“Cubical”)%>%set_vertex_attr(“color”, value = brewer.pal(8,”Pastel2″)) g3 <- make_graph(“Cubical”)%>%set_vertex_attr(“color”, value = brewer.pal(8,”Pastel1″)) g3 <- make_graph(“Cubical”)%>%set_vertex_attr(“color”, value = brewer.pal(8,”Paired”)) g3 <- make_graph(“Cubical”)%>%set_vertex_attr(“color”, value = brewer.pal(8,”Dark2″)) g3 <- make_graph(“Cubical”)%>%set_vertex_attr(“color”, value = brewer.pal(8,”Accent”)) g3 […]