7 Ways to Master Array Traversal in JavaScript

As a JavaScript developer, it is very important to be familiar with array traversal and manipulation. Array traversal is one of the basic requirements for processing and manipulating array elements. This article will introduce 10 common array traversal methods in JavaScript to help you become an expert in array operations. Array traversal for loop forEach […]

[Data structure binary tree] Pre-order level establishment, recursive non-recursive traversal, level-order traversal, tree height, mirror, symmetry, subtree, merge, target path, weighted path sum, etc.

Binary tree Article directory Binary tree 1. Creation of binary tree (recursive creation, structure pointer form) 1.1. Preorder establishment 1.2. Establishment of layer sequence 2. Recursive traversal (structure pointer) 2.1. Preorder traversal 2.2. In-order traversal 2.3. Postorder traversal 3. Non-recursive traversal (structure pointer) 3.1. Level traversal 3.2. Postorder traversal (non-recursive) 4. Find the height of […]

6-7 Non-recursive traversal of a binary tree Score 10

Article directory 1. Non-recursive pre-order traversal 1.1C++ writing and analysis 1.2 Answer to this question ac 2. Non-recursive in-order traversal 3. Non-recursive post-order traversal 3.1 Stack simulation achieves non-recursion C++ writing method ac answer to this question Flag notation for this question 3.2 Reverse order thinking 4. Overall code 1. Non-recursive pre-order traversal 1.1C++ writing […]

Recursive and non-recursive writing methods for three traversals of binary trees

Table of Contents ?edit 1. Preorder traversal Question interface: Recursive solution: Non-recursive solution: 2. In-order traversal Question interface: Recursive solution: Non-recursive writing: 3. Post-order traversal Question interface: Recursive solution: Non-recursive solution: One, preorder traversal Question interface: /** * Definition for a binary tree node. * struct TreeNode { * int val; *TreeNode *left; *TreeNode *right; […]

Morris order traversal of a binary tree

This article is purely based on the notes I have taken recently. If there is any infringement in the relevant information or documents, please contact me. Of course, if there is something wrong in the article or there is a better way, please feel free to tell me. Morris order traversal of a binary tree […]

2023/10/26–C#–Null, double question mark? ? , immutable array, multidimensional array, traversal array

1.Null // Features: //1. Indicates a null reference that does not refer to any object, no memory space is created, and a null reference pointer is stored; //2.Null type is System.Nullable the type of this struct //3. For value types, the assignment cannot be directly null, but the reference type can //4.Default value of null […]

Mutual search methods for pre-order traversal, in-order traversal and post-order traversal (C language version)

Today, let’s write about the mutual search methods of pre-order traversal, in-order traversal and post-order traversal. First of all, we need to know the order of pre-order traversal, in-order traversal and post-order traversal: 1. Preorder traversal (order around the root): ①Visit the root node ②Traverse the left subtree in order ③Traverse the right subtree in […]

Data structure —— Tree (traversal and construction of binary tree)

Article directory One, tree 2. Tree storage structure 1. Expression of parents 2. Child representation 3. Representation of children’s brothers Three, binary tree 1. Characteristics of binary trees 2. Special binary tree (1) leaning tree (2) Full binary tree (3) Complete binary tree 3. Storage structure of binary tree 1. Linked storage structure of binary […]