36 | WAF: Securing our network services

In the “Security Chapter” a few days ago, I talked about HTTPS, which uses the SSL/TLS protocol to encrypt the entire communication process, prevent malicious eavesdropping and tampering, and protect our data security. However, HTTPS is only a small part of network security. It only ensures “communication link security” and prevents third parties from knowing […]

Open Source WAF–Safeline (Thunder Pool) Test Manual

Changting Technology-SafeLine Community Edition Official website: Changting Leichi WAF Community Edition (chaitin.cn) WAF works at the application layer and has a better protective effect on Web systems based on the HTTP/HTTPS protocol to protect them from hacker attacks. 1.1 Construction of thunder pool 1.1.1 Configuration requirements Operating system: Linux Instruction architecture: x86_64 `Query command: uname […]

WAF, Yakit, SSH tips

Article directory WAF, Yakit, SSH tips 1. WAF file upload bypass 2. Yakit brute force cracking 3. SSH password-free login 4. SSRF combined with redis unauthorized vulnerability 4.1 Install ssh 4.2 redis is not authorized 4.3 Install redis 4.4 Gopher protocol 4.5 Use redis to write files WAF, Yakit, SSH tips 1. WAF file upload […]

C# simple wafer wafermapping display demonstration demo

Click, double click to change color Default data in 5 rows and 8 columns: using (fratte.at.WafermapDisplay.Form1 form_show = new fratte.at.WafermapDisplay.Form1()) { int[,] data_demo = new int[,]{ { 0,0,0,1,0 }, { 0,5,1,0,0 }, { 1,7,6,2,3 }, { 1,0,1,2,3 }, { 0,2,0,2,3 }, { 1,5,6,2,3 }, { 1,0,6,2,3 }, { 1,0,50,0,1 } }; form_show.SetDataSet(data_demo); form_show.SetInteractive(true); form_show.ShowDialog(); } […]

Nginx + Lua build website WAF firewall

Foreword For projects that only use common functions such as agents, install online. If customized modules are needed, it is recommended to compile and install< /strong> PS: This article not only contains Nginx-related knowledge points, but also includes anti-parallel learning methods (processing of new things) Official website: https://nginx.org/ Github: https://github.com/nginx/nginx Nginx Books: Nginx Cookbook Chinese […]

WAF Bypass and case practice

Article directory WAF Bypass 1. WAF 1.1 WAF Overview 1.1.1 Common WAFs 1.1.2 WAF Category 1.1.3 How WAF works 1.1.4 WAF deployment method 1.2 WAF fingerprint recognition 1.2.1 WAF fingerprint identification tool 1.3 Various ways to circumvent WAF 2. SQLi Bypass 2.1 Bypass idea 2.1.1 Level issues 2.1.2 HTTP issues 2.2 Bypass analysis 2.2.1 Bypass […]

Custom SQLmap and WAF bypass

Cybersecurity Law 1. SQLmap tamper scripting Take sqli-lab level 26 as an example Enter ?id=1’ — +, error character injection Considering the closure problem, enter ?id=1’ and 1, but the and and spaces disappear in the echo, which shows that the and and spaces are filtered. Because and and or are filtered, consider using double-writing […]