kdump+crash solves the crash problem and obtains global variables and malloc heap variables

Table of Contents 1. Experimental purpose 2. Experimental steps 3. Global variable analysis ideas 4. Obtain global variables inside the kernel 5. Modular driver global variables 5.1. p command prints modular global variable errors 5.2. sym/rd + struct command parses global variables in xxx.ko 5.3. Use the rd command to parse the global variables in […]

iOS development solves crash problems by analyzing UMeng error details

iOS development solves crash problems by analyzing UMeng error details It’s important to get crash information in your project. After iOS development, debugging and launch, programs often crash. The more common third-party crash analysis tools are Umeng, Baidu, crashlytics, etc. Third-party crash analysis tools even have the function of symbolic crash logs. The more commonly […]

[WebLogic] Solution to JVM crash caused by WebLogic 2023 third quarter update

Affected versions: Oracle WebLogic 12c ( Oracle WebLogic 14c ( Problem description: The latest version of OPatch ( officially released by Oracle in July 2023 has a new bug (which will cause the following GDR-70005 error when installing WebLogic PSU: Caused by: com.oracle.cie.gdr.utils.LocalizedGdrException: GDR-70005: Failed to apply inventory patching to home. GDR-70005: A failure occurred […]

Crash tool analyzes dma device memory stampede (1)

Background introduction When our customers use the SDK reference solution we provide to develop related products, when performing some basic burn-in tests on the product solution, there is a very low probability of kernel random panic problems. Due to the complexity of the scenario, specific modules or functions cannot be disassembled individually. To conduct experimental […]

Fixed Bug: Error: CrashLoopBackOff (K8s) issue

Blogger Maotouhu () takes you to Go to New World? Maotouhu recommends a list of necessary technology stacks for programmers: Cloud native technology Cloud Native: Golang Docker Kubernetes ? Helm Serverless ?AWS Lambda Google Cloud Functions Microservices Envoy Istio Prometheus Blog homepage: Maotouhu’s blog “Complete Column of Interview Questions” Articles with pictures and texts Vivid […]

Linux kernel crash analysis

Reprinted from: http://linux.cn/article-3475-1.html We often encounter some kernel crash situations at work. This article analyzes the printed information after the kernel crash. The kernel version used is: Linux2.6.32. The life cycle of each process ranges from a few milliseconds to several months. Generally, they interact with the kernel. For example, user space programs use system […]

[System Security 7]x86 Disassembly Crash Course

x86 disassembly quick x86 architecture 3 types of hardware components: Central Processing Unit: Responsible for executing code Memory (RAM): Responsible for storing all data and code Input/output system (I/O): Provides interfaces for hard drives, keyboards, monitors and other devices Memory A program’s memory can be divided into four main sections: Stack: The stack is used […]

Crash solution when upgrading IOS 17 version in ReactNative

Solution to Crash when upgrading IOS 17 version in ReactNative Crash solution when upgrading IOS 17 version in ReactNative 1. Problem description 2. Cause analysis 3. Solution decision-making 3.1 Set width and height to non-zero values 3.2 Use the new UIGraphicsImageRenderer to replace the old version of UIGraphicsBeginImageContext 4. Third-party libraries that may use this […]

JavaScript Crash Course-Event Handling

Table of Contents 1. Event type 1.Window events 2. Form element events 3.Image events 4. Keyboard events 5.Mouse events 2. Basic mechanism of JavaScript event processing 3. Methods of binding events 1.DOM element binding 2. JavaScript code binding events 3. Listening event function binding 4. Event object of JavaScript event 1. Get the event object […]