Kafka stand-alone deployment, enable sasl_plain

Environment Deployment jdk1.8:https://download.oracle.com/otn/java/jdk/8u221-b11/230deb18db3e4014bb8e3e8324f81b43/jdk-8u221-linux-x64.tar.gz kafka_2.13-3.5.1: https://downloads.apache.org/kafka/3.5.1/kafka_2.13-3.5.1.tgz < /table> Script #!/bin/bash ##################### Preparation ##################### #1. Directly downloading the package from the server may be very slow. It is recommended to download it locally and then upload it to the server. #2. Customizable installation package storage directory #3. Pay attention to changing the IP address #Installation package directory […]

NVM+NODE+VUE+combination API+VITE+TS+Router+VUEX+ElementUI+SASS builds a complete front-end project

Environment: MAC 1. Purpose of this article Quickly build a complete project structure 2. Solving problems 1. Multi-version node management 2. nvm installation 3. brew installation 4. Vite + Vue initialization project 5. Router installation 6. Sass installation 7. ElementUI installation 8. Vuex installation 9. Project configuration integration 10. Simple page construction, jump, parameter passing, […]

vue3+ts project 02-install eslint, prettier and sass

Create project Project creation Install eslint yarn add eslint -D Generate configuration file npx eslint –init Install other plugins yarn add -D eslint-plugin-import eslint-plugin-vue eslint-plugin-node eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-node @babel/eslint-parser vue-eslint-parser Modify .eslintrc.cjs module.exports = {<!– –> env: {<!– –> browser: true, es2021: true, node: true, jest: true, }, /* Specify how to parse the grammar […]

SpringCloud Alibaba – Seata realizes high availability and remote disaster recovery

Table of Contents 1. Seata high availability and remote disaster recovery 1.1. Theory 1.2. Simulate remote disaster recovery TC cluster 1.2.1. Simulate the implementation of two computer rooms 1.2.2. Configure transaction group mapping 1.2.3. Microservices remove nacos configuration 1.2.4. Start all microservices 1. Seata high availability and remote disaster recovery 1.1, theory Seata’s high availability […]

10.4 Understanding the Capstone disassembly engine

Capstone is an open source disassembly framework. Currently, the CPU architectures supported by the engine include x86, x64, ARM, MIPS, POWERPC, SPARC, etc. Capstone is characterized by being fast, lightweight, and easy to use. It can handle various tasks well. Various types of instructions, supporting conversion of instructions into multiple formats such as AT&T assembly […]

Disaster area material relief system | Disaster area material relief system developed and implemented based on Springboot

About the author: Full-stack development project, engaged in development and research in Java, Python, front-end, and small programs. I am more interested in big data application and development. Main content: Java projects, front-end projects, Python projects, small program development, big data projects, microcontrollers Collect, like and avoid getting lost. It’s good to follow the author […]

Disaster area material relief system | Disaster area material relief system developed and implemented based on Springboot

About the author: Java, front-end, and Python have been developed for many years, and have worked as engineers, project managers, and architects. Main contents: Java project development, Python project development, university data and AI project development, microcontroller project design, interview technology compilation, latest technology sharing Collect, like and avoid getting lost. It’s good to follow […]

Disaster area material relief system | Disaster area material relief system developed and implemented based on Springboot

Author’s homepage: Programming Paper Cranes About the author: Java, front-end, and Python have been developed for many years, and have worked as engineers, project managers, and architects. Main contents: Java project development, Python project development, university data and AI project development, microcontroller project design, interview technology compilation, latest technology sharing Collect, like and avoid getting […]

Conveniently write CSS using sass and less

SASS SASS official website The most mature, stable and powerful professional-grade CSS extension language in the world! sass is a css pre-compilation tool That is, you can write css more elegantly sass writes something the browser does not understand It still needs to be converted into css and run in the browser At this time, […]

[System Security 7]x86 Disassembly Crash Course

x86 disassembly quick x86 architecture 3 types of hardware components: Central Processing Unit: Responsible for executing code Memory (RAM): Responsible for storing all data and code Input/output system (I/O): Provides interfaces for hard drives, keyboards, monitors and other devices Memory A program’s memory can be divided into four main sections: Stack: The stack is used […]