[MySQL] Do you want to know what a database is? Come in and take a look if you think about it

What is a database Preface Officially begin connect mysql Understand mysql first level understanding second level understanding third level understanding piece of cake Meet the pigs running show databases; create database xxx; create table xxx; Mainstream database mysql architecture Types of SQL statements storage engine Foreword Do you have MySQL on hand? It’s best if […]

vivo database cost reduction practice: exploring the most cost-effective database solution

Since vivo began researching and testing OceanBase in 2022, it has now launched 17 business systems, covering logging, analysis, and transaction businesses, achieving a total resource saving of 80%, and greatly simplifying development and operation and maintenance work. In this article, Liao Guangming, senior database engineer of the IT department of vivo system and process, […]

egg.js sequelize database operation configuration

egg.js sequelize database operation configuration Article directory egg.js sequelize database operation configuration 1. Database configuration 2. Migrate configuration 3.Data table design and migration 4. Model Creation 1. Database configuration Install and configure the egg-sequelize plug-in (it will assist us in loading the defined Model objects into app and ctx) and the mysql2 module: npm install […]

MySQL database backup and recovery

Backup Full backup and full backup Full backup Full backup: Back up the entire database completely Incremental backup Incremental backup: It is to back up subsequent newly added content based on the full backup. Backup requirements 1. Data security is crucial in a production environment, and any data loss may have serious consequences. 2. Why […]

Handling the problem of out-of-synchronization of data from the database in Mysql8.0 version

Handling the problem of out-of-synchronization of slave data in Mysql8.0 version Situation 1: Error during synchronization During the synchronization process of the slave database, the master database deletes data. 1. The slave database does not synchronize the data of the master database Cause analysis: Caused by data synchronization error. Operation from library show slave status\G […]

,Multiple data sources + Mybatisplus + Sharding JDBC split tables in the same database

Horizontal table sharding is to split the data of the same table into multiple tables according to certain rules in the same database. Multiple data sources use the dynamic-datasource of mybatis-plus. The sharding-jdbc database and table sharding are used. The database connection pool management is alibaba’s druid-spring-boot-starter Tables in the same database Table of Contents […]

Write corpus text to database 20231104

import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; public class BaseDao { public Connection conn = null; public PreparedStatement ps = null; public ResultSet rs = null; public void getConnection() throws Exception { Class.forName(“com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver”); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(“jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/languages_material_database?serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai & amp; & amp;useTimezone=true”, “root”, “123456”); } public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql, Object[] param) throws Exception { this.getConnection(); ps […]

Xugu Database-python realizes tens of millions of numbers

1. Background When you need to create tens of millions of data, it is a bit cumbersome to write SQL and use jmeter to run concurrency. Can you use a tool to solve these needs at once and test disk performance? 2. Principle First write a certain amount of data to a temporary table PRODUCTS_TEST, […]