C#’s DataGridView data control (direct access to SQL vs access to SQL through EF entity model)

Table of Contents 1. Display data in the DataGridView control 1. Direct programmatic access to SQL (1) Source code (2) Generate effect 2. Access SQL through EF entity model (1) Source code (2) Generate effect 2. Get the current cell in the DataGridView control 1. Direct programmatic access to SQL (1) Source code (2) Generating […]

[Transfer] [C#] Hosting controls in Windows Forms DataGridView cells

using System; using System.Windows.Forms; public class CalendarColumn : DataGridViewColumn { public CalendarColumn() : base(new CalendarCell()) { } public override DataGridViewCell CellTemplate { get { return base.CellTemplate; } set { // Ensure that the cell used for the template is a CalendarCell. if (value != null & amp; & amp; !value.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(typeof(CalendarCell))) { throw new InvalidCastException(“Must be […]

C# implements saving data in DataGridView to CSV and Excel

1. Save to CSV public static bool dataGridViewToCSV(DataGridView dataGridView) { if (dataGridView.Rows.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show(“No data to export!”, “Prompt”, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return false; } SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); saveFileDialog.Filter = “CSV files (*.csv)|*.csv”; saveFileDialog.FilterIndex = 0; saveFileDialog.RestoreDirectory = true; saveFileDialog.CreatePrompt = true; saveFileDialog.FileName = null; saveFileDialog.Title = “save”; if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { […]

DataGridView bound data update

1. Create data class using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace DataGridViewTest {<!– –> internal class UserData {<!– –> public string Name {<!– –> get; set; } public int Weight {<!– –> get; set; } public int Height {<!– –> get; set; } } } 2. DataGridView data operations using System; […]

C# – DataGridView control for table development

1. Summary Using the DataGridView control, you can display and edit tabular data from many different types of data sources. The DataGridView control provides a customizable table for displaying data. The DataGridView class allows customization of cells, rows, columns, and borders by using properties such as DefaultCellStyle, ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle, CellBorderStyle, and GridColor. With or without data […]

The header of DatagridView in Winform implements one plus a checkBox to realize the function of selecting all options

Realize the effect Click checkBox1 or click directly on the header of the first column to achieve Code Implementation My datagridview is called dgv I have added a DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn by default in the datagridview, the value is 1 when checked, and the value is 0 when not checked The first is achieved by visually dragging […]

Winforms implements DatagridView for cell merging

ps:At present, you can only merge the columns you are in vertically, you cannot merge two (more) different columns Related parameters Attribute Name Function Description NeedMergeColumns Need to merge columns Write the merged column names MergeColumnsReadOnly Whether the merge column is read-only Default【No】 MergeConditonDict Conditional dictionary for merged columns Default [Null] Example: new Dictionary{{ BillDate, […]