
Inheritance diagram 1. Initialization org.springframework.web.servlet.HttpServletBean#init /** * Map config parameters onto bean properties of this servlet, and * invoke subclass initialization. * @throws ServletException if bean properties are invalid (or required * properties are missing), or if subclass initialization fails. */ @Override public final void init() throws ServletException {<!– –> // Set bean properties from […]

Node.js event loop and event dispatcher

Directory 1. Introduction to process.nextTick() 2. setTimeout() 3. Zero delay 4. setInterval() 5. Recursive setTimeout 6. setImmediate() 7. Node.js event dispatcher 1. Introduction to process.nextTick() The process.nextTick function in Node.js interacts with the event loop in a special way. When you’re trying to understand the Node.js event loop, an important part of it is process.nextTick(). […]

okhttp article 2: Dispatcher

Dispatchers maintain a thread pool, 3 double-ended queues, AsynCall ready to execute, AsynCall being executed, and synchronous Call (RealCall) being executed. At the same time, it is stipulated that each Host can request up to 5 Requests at the same time, and can execute up to 64 Requests at the same time. public final class […]

When DispatcherServlet is configured in the project web.xml, the red wavy line reports an error (Cannot resolve Servlet ‘DispatcherServlet’)

Compilation software: IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2.4 x64 Operating system: win10 x64 bit Home Edition Maven version: apache-maven-3.6.3 spring mvc version: 5.3.1 Table of Contents Project case scenario demand analysis 1: Get all employee information 2: Add an operation to add an employee’s page 3: Add operation – add employee 4: Delete employee 5: Modify the operation […]

InputWindowInfo is passed from InputMonitor to SurfaceFlinger and then to InputDispatcher

InputMonitor level analysis More content qqun: 422901085 https://ke.qq.com/course/5992266#term_id=106217431 First, let’s take a look at several important methods called by InputMonitor: void updateInputWindowsLw(boolean force) {<!– –> //omitted scheduleUpdateInputWindows(); } private void scheduleUpdateInputWindows() {<!– –> if (mDisplayRemoved) {<!– –> return; } if (!mUpdateInputWindowsPending) {<!– –> mUpdateInputWindowsPending = true; mHandler. post(mUpdateInputWindows); } } private class UpdateInputWindows implements Runnable […]

[SpringMVC source code three thousand questions] DispatcherServlet source code analysis

DispatcherServlet#doDispatch() is SpringMVC’s method for processing request distribution. As long as it is an http request processed by spring mvc, it will be processed by DispatcherServlet’s request distribution, thereby calling the corresponding handler method. DispatcherServlet#doDispatch() Source code analysis: It can be seen that the processing of DispatcherServlet#doDispatch() is roughly divided into 6 steps: 1. Get […]

DispatcherServlet, the secret of parsing springboot’s automatic configuration of springmvc

We know that although springboot simplifies the cumbersome xml file configuration of spring, the bottom layer of springboot is essentially the set of spring and springmvc. Therefore, to improve the internal development skills, we should not only stay at the level of use, but also need to have a deep understanding of the underlying principles […]

DispatcherServlet process of Spring MVC

The core of Spring MVC is DispatcherServlet, which is responsible for receiving client requests, dispatching requests to corresponding controllers for processing, and returning response results. In this article, we will learn more about the processing flow and source code analysis of DispatcherServlet. Processing process The processing flow of DispatcherServlet can be divided into the following […]

DispatcherServlet process of Spring MVC

The core of Spring MVC is DispatcherServlet, which is responsible for receiving client requests, dispatching requests to corresponding controllers for processing, and returning response results. In this article, we will learn more about the processing flow and source code analysis of DispatcherServlet. Processing process The processing flow of DispatcherServlet can be divided into the following […]

InputWindowInfo is passed from InputMonitor to SurfaceFlinger and then to InputDispatcher

InputMonitor level analysis More content qqun: 422901085 https://ke.qq.com/course/5992266#term_id=106217431 First, let’s take a look at several important methods called by InputMonitor: void updateInputWindowsLw(boolean force) {<!– –> //omitted scheduleUpdateInputWindows(); } private void scheduleUpdateInputWindows() {<!– –> if (mDisplayRemoved) {<!– –> return; } if (!mUpdateInputWindowsPending) {<!– –> mUpdateInputWindowsPending = true; mHandler. post(mUpdateInputWindows); } } private class UpdateInputWindows implements Runnable […]