qemu running prompts virtio-9p-pci is not a valid device model name and rootfs_debian_arm64.ext4 and probing gues

qemu running prompts ‘virtio-9p-pci’ is not a valid device model name and rootfs_debian_arm64.ext4′ and probing gues 1 Commands executed by qemu and corresponding prompts 1.1 qemu run command 1.2 Errors prompted by qemu running 2 ways to solve two problems 2.1 Solve the problem of ‘virtio-9p-pci’ is not a valid device model name 2.1.1 Download […]

Linux file (soft/hard) links and ext4 file system

Table of Contents 1. File link 1.1. Symbolic link/soft link (symbolic link/soft link) 1.2. Hard link 1.3. The difference between soft links and hard links: 2. ext4 file system 2.1. Introduction 2.2. System limitations 2.3. Terminology (taking the ext4 file system as an example) 2.4. Example 1: inode (index node index node) 2.5. Example 2: […]

Summary of SublimeText4 usage

Recently, I plan to use Copilot in VsCode, but I am worried that private files will be uploaded, so I plan to use Sublime to edit private files. Link related: ● sublime text4 official website: http://www.sublimetext.com/ //After downloading, double-click the exe to install it, and open it in administrator mode after installation ● Expansion package […]

The buddy algorithm of ext4 mballoc

buddy bitmap According to “Introduction to the Ext4 File System – Theory _nginux Blog – CSDN Blog”, we know that there is a data block bitmap with a size of 1 block (default 4K) on the disk. Each bit represents the usage of a block, 1 means occupied, and 0 means idle. The data block […]

ext4 – mballoc block allocation mechanism

Overview In order to avoid the fragmentation of block management as far as possible, ext4 has such measures: 1. mballoc multi-block allocator. The buddy algorithm manages each block group Using the prelocation mechanism, the atmosphere per-cpu local preallocation and per inode preallocation Different strategies for small and large files Small files (specifically how small files […]

MinIO solves the problem of full inode of ext4 hard disk (xfs dynamically expands the proportion of inode space)

Table of Contents 1. Problem description Two, the solution 1. Backup minio data to other disks or machines 2. Unmount 3. Do not format the data, change the ext4 file format to xfs file format (unsuccessful, use the following method) 3. Format data 1. Force format xfs 2. Mount 4. Inode space ratio of xfs […]

Mount ext4 hard disk on Mac OS

1. Install macFUSE Home – macFUSE Such as downloading macfuse-4.4.3dmg installation During the installation process, you may encounter the prompt “To enable system extensions, you need to modify the security settings in the recovery environment”, as shown in the figure below: solve: Shut down until the keyboard lights are all off! Then press and hold […]