The principle of Spring Boot spring.factories

Article directory 1. spring.factories usage 2. spring.factories implementation principle 3. What problems is spring.factories used to solve? 3.1 Business scenario thinking and introduction of starter mechanism 3.2 Spring Boot starter mechanism 4. Summary Recently, I saw the configuration of spring.factories being used in business code, and felt that the scenario was inappropriate. Moreover, there are […]

Spring 5 Part 4: 3 ways to create complex objects in Spring factories

Article directory Notes on this article What is a complex object Method 1: FactoryBean interface Development steps Details in the Factory Implementation principles in Factory Factory summary Method 2: Instance factory Method 3: Static factory The number of times Spring factory creates objects Summarize Instructions for this article The content of this article comes from […]

[In-depth analysis of spring cloud gateway] 03 Gateway built-in filter factory (GatewayFilter Factories)

1. Quick start Route filters allow modification of incoming HTTP requests and outgoing HTTP responses. Spring Cloud Gateway includes a number of built-in GatewayFilter Factories. Filters are generally used together with predicates. When the xxx condition is met, the logic of a certain filter is executed. Routes can be configured through configuration files and code. […]

Breaking free: revolutionary applications of ARM controllers in digital factories!

In recent years, China’s digital economic system has entered a stage of rapid growth. As an important supporting force for the high-quality development of China’s economy, the manufacturing industry is facing challenges such as rising production costs and “man-controlled” key equipment and core components. Building digital factories has become inevitable. Problems arising from data collection […]

One article to understand Gateway gateway construction, filters, assertion factories and cross-domain issues

Gateway Service Gateway Spring Cloud Gateway is a new project of Spring Cloud, which is a gateway developed based on Spring 5.0, Spring Boot 2.0 and Project Reactor and other reactive programming and event flow technologies. It aims to provide a simple and effective unified API route management method. 1. Why do you need a […]

Construction of SpringApplication object and loading timing of spring.factories

Build SpringApplication object source code: 1. Call the main() method of the startup class, which calls the run method of SpringApplication. @SpringBootApplication public class SpringbootdemoApplication { public static void main(String[] args) {, args); } } 2. Call the overloaded method of the run() method of SpringApplication, and build the SpringApplication object in the sending […]

Route Predicate Factories Test

Official website: Spring Cloud Gateway Name Description Example After is a request after a certain point in time – After=2023-08-20T17:42:47.789-07:00 [America/Denver] Before is a request before a certain point in time – Before=2031-04-13T15:14:47.433 + 08:00[Asia/Shanghai] Between is a request before two time points – Between=2037-01-20T17:42:47.789-07:00[ America/Denver], 2037-01-21T17:42:47.789-07:00[America/Denver] Cookie The request must contain certain cookies – […]

RoutePredicateFactories–(SpringCloudGateway’s routing assertion rule test)

Article directory Route Predicate Factories (SpringCloudGateway’s routing assertion rule test) 1 basic configuration 1.1 spring-cloud-gateway version 2.2.9.RELEASE 1.2 gatewayserver/bootstrap.yml 1.3 The actual Consumer interface to be accessed through gateway routing is: localhost:11001/qme or localhost:11002/qme 1.3.1 ProducerFeign 1.3.2 Consumer Feign Controller 1.3.3 ProducerFeignController 2 postman test 2.1 PathRoutePredicateFactory 2.1.1 gateway-service-dev.yaml 2.1.2 Successful request case –> 2.1.3 […]

How are spring.factories loaded?

The source code version of springboot tracked this time is 2.7.7 Take the run method of the startup class as the entry point, and come to the first method in the SpringApplication class that actually executes the logic: public ConfigurableApplicationContext run(String… args) {<!– –> long startTime = System. nanoTime(); DefaultBootstrapContext bootstrapContext = this.createBootstrapContext(); ConfigurableApplicationContext context […]

2023-05-06: There are some robots and factories on the X axis. Give you an integer array robot, where robot[i] is the position of the i-th robot and give you a two-dimensional integer array factory, where factory[j] = [posit

2023-05-06: There are some robots and factories on the X axis. You are given an integer array robot, where robot[i] is the position of the i-th robot Then give you a two-dimensional integer array factory, where factory[j] = [positionj, limitj] Indicates that the position of the jth factory is at positionj, and the jth factory […]