HMAC256 algorithm implementation c/c++

hmacsha256.h #ifndef _HMAC_SHA_256_H_ #define _HMAC_SHA_256_H_ #define SHA256_BLOCKLEN 64ul //size of message block buffer #define SHA256_DIGEESTLEN 32ul //size of digest in uint8_t #define SHA256_DIGESTINT 8ul //size of digest in uint32_t // #ifndef PBKDF2_SHA256_STATIC // #define PBKDF2_SHA256_DEF extern // #else // #define PBKDF2_SHA256_DEF static // #endif #include “stdint.h” #define PBKDF2_SHA256_DEF extern typedef struct sha256_ctx_t { uint64_t len; […]

SpringBoot + mybatis-plus + HMACOTP implements two-factor authentication function

Original Lutiao Programming Lutiao Programming 2023-08-04 19:30 Published in Beijing included in collection #java30 #SpringBoot29 This series of courses will include various functional implementations and functional examples related to Springboot. SpringBoot + mybatis-plus + HMACOTP implements two-factor authentication function Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is a method to enhance the security of user authentication, usually using a […]

Oracle hmac_md5 encryption method with Key, call Java implementation

Recently, there is a need for a peripheral system interface. The other party requires the message to be encrypted by hmac_md5 with Key. After searching on the Internet, I found that Oracle provides a standard API, as follows. FUNCTION MD5(PASSWD IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS –PASSWD characters to be encrypted –@REMARK: MD5 encryption retval varchar2(32); […]

JAVA is encrypted with HmacSHA1 and the returned array is encrypted with Base64

1. The following methods can be used for encryption through HmacSHA1 public static byte[] HmacSHA1Encrypt(String encryptText, String encryptKey) throws Exception { byte[] data = encryptKey. getBytes(“UTF-8”); // Construct a key according to the given byte array, the second parameter specifies the name of a key algorithm SecretKey secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(data, “HmacSHA1”); // Create a […]

Implement php hmac ripemd160 algorithm

package; import; import; import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator; import javax.crypto.Mac; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider; import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex; /** RipeMD series message summary component This algorithm is currently only supported by BouncyCastle @author kongqz / public class RipeMDCoder { RipeMD128 message digest processing /// /* RipeMD128 message digest @param data pending message digest data @return […]

Demystified payment interface test: How to use JMeter and Python to create top-secret HMAC-SHA256 signature logic? (Base64, Md5, Sha, Rsa, etc.) practical tutorial

To install JMeter, you first need to install JMeter. You can download the latest version of the binary file from the official website and unzip it locally. Then start JMeter and enter the main interface. ps: If you don’t know how to download or don’t have the installation package, please see the end of the […]

[Solved] fatal error: openssl/hmac.h:

Background Error compiling msoffice encrypted binary file on debian10 server github address: Error: root@e0fef8daa858:/var/www/msoffice# make -j RELEASE=1 /usr/bin/make -C src make[1]: Entering directory ‘/var/www/msoffice/src’ g++ -c msoffice-crypt.cpp -o release/msoffice-crypt.o -g -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -msse2 -fno-operator-names -Wall -Wextra -Wformat=2 -Wcast-qual -Wcast-align – Wwrite-strings -Wfloat-equal -Wpointer-arith -Ofast -fomit-frame-pointer -DNDEBUG -march=native -msse4 -I/var/www/msoffice/include -I/var/www/msoffice/../cybozulib /include -I/var/www/msoffice/../mie/include g++ -c attack.cpp […]