wonderful-sql jobs

Sql job Assignment 1: answer: create table Employee (Id integer not null, Name varchar(32) , Salary integer, departmentId integer, primary key (Id) ); create table Department( Id integer primary key, Name varchar(30) not null ); insert into employee values (1,”Joe”,70000,1); insert into employee values (2,”Henry”,80000,2); insert into employee values (3,”Sam”,60000,2); insert into employee values (4,”Max”,90000,1); […]

Windows processes and jobs

Windows processes and jobs create process Parameters of the CreateProcess function Process of CreateProcess Creating a Windows “Modernization” Process Create other types of processes internal structure of the process EPROCESS KPROCESS PEB CSR_PROCESS W32PROCESS protected process Minimal and Pico Processes minimal process Pico process Trustlet Security Process process termination Operation homework restrictions use job Operation […]

Drive GPIO Subsystem Jobs

1. Enable the timer in the kernel module, set the timer to 1s, let led1 turn on for one second and turn off for one second ? #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/of.h> #include <linux/gpio.h> #include <linux/of_gpio.h> #include <linux/timer.h> /* myleds { led1=< & gpioe 10 0>; led2=< & gpiof 10 0>; led3=< & gpioe […]

Custom batch & Kick jobs

Custom batch & Kick jobs In the previous section, we shared the impact of batch size on performance. Demo can explain the problem better, but in actual projects, we often need to control the size of the batch by ourselves. For example, we want to update the position information of child nodes according to the […]

Unity JobSystem usage and skills

What is JobSystem Parallel programming In the game development process, we often encounter the need to process a large amount of data calculations. Therefore, in order to give full play to the multi-core performance of the hardware, we will need to use parallel programming. Multi-threaded programming is also a type of parallel programming. Threads are […]

Unity JobSystem usage and skills

What is JobSystem# Parallel Programming# In the game development process, we often encounter the need to process a large amount of data calculations. Therefore, in order to give full play to the multi-core performance of the hardware, we will need to use parallel programming. Multi-threaded programming is also a type of parallel programming. The thread […]

Spring Boot jobs

Create a running maven project in eclipse (1) Run first to see the effect. Importing maven projects is relatively slow. It is best not to mess around when importing. It is easy to cause eclipse to freeze for unknown reasons. You have to wait for the bottom progress bar to disappear before running operation result: […]

DM database command line management jobs

Manage jobs under the DM database command line A function and concept introduction 1 operator Operators are individuals responsible for maintaining a running instance of the DM server. 2 homework A job is a series of specified operations performed sequentially by a DM agent. Jobs can perform a wider range of activities, including running DMPL/SQL […]