Memory functions–hand-tear memove/memcpy and other functions, easy to understand!

Table of Contents 1. Usage and simulation implementation of memcpy function Manual memcpy function 2. Usage and simulation implementation of memmove function Hand-tear memmove function 3. Use of memset function 4. Use of memcmp function This is a screenshot of an interview. The two functions mentioned are the two functions of the memory functions we […]

Linux driver development HTR3218 project BUG (2): Kernel crash caused by memcpy

Copyright statement: This article is an original article by the blogger and follows the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright agreement. Please attach the original source link and this statement when reprinting. Link to this article: Directory 1. Memcpy causes kernel crash problem 1. Kernel crash caused by memcpy I wrote a driver in the project, […]

Memory operation functions (memcpy, memmove, memset, memcmp)—-C language

Article directory Summary 1.memcpy 1.1 Function introduction 1.2 Simulation implementation 2.memmove 2.1 Function introduction 2.2 Simulation implementation 3. memset 3.1 Function introduction 4.memcmp 4.1 Function introduction Abstract This article introduces commonly used memory operation functions in C language, including memcpy, memmove, memset and memcpy. These functions handle the copying, moving, and initialization of memory data. […]

[C Language] Use of strcmp, strstr, strerror, memcpy functions

Article directory 1. strcmp function 1. Function description 2. Function simulation implementation 2. strstr function 1. Function description 2. Function simulation implementation 3. strerror function 1. The role of function 2. Example usage 4. memcpy function 1. Function description 2. Function simulation implementation One, strcmp function 1, function description int strcmp ( const char * […]

[C++] Vector simulation implementation | Problems when using memcpy copy | Implementing deep copy | Iterator failure problem

Table of Contents Basic framework and interface Constructor No-argument construction Iterator range construction Initialization construction destructor size() | capacity() Expanded reserve() Problems using memcpy copy resize() to change size operator[] Iterator implementation Addition and deletion of vector End insertion push_back() Tail deletion pop_back() Use insert and erase to discuss the issue of iterator failure insert() […]

[C language simulation to implement memcpy function, memcpy function]

C language programming notes—027 Simulation implementation of memcpy function and memcpy function in C language 1. Introduce the memcpy function 1.1. Simulate and implement the memcpy function 2. Introduce the memmove function 2.1. Simulate and implement the memmove function 3. Conclusion C language simulation implementation of memcpy function, memcpy function Foreword: Through the knowledge of […]

Do you really understand memory functions (memcpy, memmove, memset, memcmp)?

Blog homepage: Jiang Chijun’s blog ?Inclusion column: The road to advanced C language Column recommendation: ?Beginner’s road to C language ?Exploration of data structure Code repository: Jiang Chijun’s code repository Everyone is welcome to likeCommentCollect? Article directory 1.memcpy function 1.1 [Notes]: 1.2【Example】 Simulation implementation of memcpy 2.memmove function 2.1 [Notes]: 2.2【Example】 Simulation implementation of memmove […]

Explanation and simulation implementation of memory functions memcpy and memmove

Table of Contents 1. What is memcpy function Simulation ideas Code 2. What is the memmove function? Simulation ideas Code 1. What is the memcpy function Let’s open the cplusplus official website to view: memcpy – C++ Reference ( The official text shows: Memory copy block Copies num bytes of value from the location pointed […]

Simulate implementation of memcpy and memmove

Table of Contents Foreword: memcpy: Introduction:?Editor Simulate implementation of memcpy: memmove: introduce: Simulate implementation of memmove: Summarize: Foreword: In the previous blog, we discussed string functions such as strcpy and strcmp and their simulation implementation. Today, we focus on the two memory functions memcpy and memmove, and simulate their implementation. First we need to know […]

Simulation implementation of strcpy, strcat, strstr, memcpy and memmove

Table of Contents Introduction: 1.strcpy function 1.1The function and basic usage of strcpy function 1.2 Note: 1.3 Simulation and implementation of strcpy function 2. strcat function 2.1The function and basic usage of strcat function 2.2 Note: 2.3 Simulation and implementation of strcat function 3.strstr function 3.1 The function and basic usage of strstr function 3.2 […]