C#’s DateTimePicker control (date control)

Table of Contents 1. Use DateTimePicker control to display time 2. Use the DateTimePicker control to display dates in a custom format 3. Return the date selected in the DateTimePicker control 1.Source code 2. Generate effects The DateTimePicker control (date control) is used to select dates and times. The DateTimePicker control can only select a […]

Picker gets the drop-down value–gets it from the background-data format conversion—cancels the binding of the event

mui.init(); $(function (){ biaoQian();//Initialize to obtain house tag data xianLu();//Initialize to obtain subway data sheng();//Initialize province and city }); //Normal example var userPicker = new mui.PopPicker(); //Initial drop-down box var dizhiPicker = new mui.PopPicker({ layer: 2 }); var roledata=””;//Initialization tag var xainludata=””;//Initialize subway line var jiage=””;//Initialize price var shengdata=””;//Get the province //The front desk gets […]

City–region–secondary linkage–background data acquisition–mui component-picker

//The front desk obtains the city list based on parent_id var shengNums=””; var cityNums=””; var parent_id=2;//2 is Beijing urban area, 20 is Tianjin //Get all city-level information function sheng(){ mui.ajax(url + “/front_get_citys.do?id=” + parent_id, { type: “GET”, async:false, dataType: “jsonp”, success: function(data) { //console.log(“Obtaining province information successfully”); var json_data = jQuery.parseJSON(data); console.log(json_data.t_areas.length); cityNums=json_data.t_areas.length; ShangQuan(); var […]

[QML setting color] Color magic in QML: from color picker to user interface

Directory title 1. Introducing the color picker component 1.1 Why do we need a color picker? 1.2 How to introduce the ColorDialog component? 1.3 Basic properties of ColorDialog Sample code 2. Creating an Instance of ColorDialog 2.1 Importing the ColorDialog Component 2.2 Defining the ColorDialog 2.3 Opening the ColorDialog 2.4 Retrieving the User’s Color Selection […]

Disable using el-date-picker time period range

1. Foreword At work, you will encounter the date picker el-date-picker in elementUi. During the use, you may encounter a situation where you need to add a time range requirement when selecting a date. For example, the creation date must not be later. On the current date, the end date cannot be earlier than the […]

Vue conference room time picker (modified)

Vue conference room time picker Original link: https://blog.csdn.net/Alan0728/article/details/123326325 Compare the modified content of the original text 1. The original article used a time interval selector based on 5-minute intervals, but here it has been changed to a half-hour interval. 2. The css style was modified, and the original timeline was changed to box selection. 3. […]

The datetime type in el-date-picker disables dates containing time and minutes

It’s a very confusing situation. For the disabled time under the datetime type, the timestamp is disabled in pickerOptions, but the time division cannot be disabled. Idea: disabledDate in pickerOptions disables overall date selection Disable time range through selectableRange Disadvantage: still cannot disable the second range // view interface <el-date-picker v-model=”remindTime” type=”datetime” placeholder=”Select time” value-format=”timestamp” […]

The bootstrap-datepicker implementation can only select a certain month of each year

1. Problem description Recently I encountered a requirement that when selecting a date control, only January of a certain year can be selected. 2. Solution Use the setStartDate() and setEndDate() functions to limit the range of the date selection box. 3. My code [Free] bootstrap-datepicker implementation can only select resources in a certain month of […]

momentjs implements DatePicker time disabling

momentjs is a js library for time processing, which is simple and easy to use. Let’s briefly analyze the practice of momentjs disabling the DatePicker time component in vue. 1. npm download npm install moment –save 2. particles.json “dependencies”: { “axios”: “^0.18.0”, “iview”: “^3.4.0”, “moment”: “^2.24.0”, “vue”: “^2.5.10”, “vue-i18n”: “^7.8.0”, “vue-router”: “^3.0.1”, “vuex”: “^3.0.1” }, […]

elementUI time picker

<template> //month selector //:clearable=”false” remove × <div class=”monthCard”> <el-date-picker :clearable=”false” v-model=”monthValue” type=”month” placeholder=”Select month” @change=”handleChangeMonth($event)”> </el-date-picker> </div> //week selector <div class=”weekCard”> <el-date-picker :clearable=”false” v-model=”dateValue” type=”week” :format=”bill_date.date” :picker-options=”onPicker” placeholder=”Select week” @change=”showDate($event)”> </el-date-picker> </div> //custom time picker <div class=”customCard”> <el-date-picker :clearable=”false” v-model=”pickDate” type=”daterange” value-format=”yyyy-MM-dd” align=”right” unlink-panels range-separator=”to” :picker-options=”pickerBeginDateBefore” start-placeholder=”start date” end-placeholder=”end date” @change=’selectData’> </el-date-picker> </div> </template> <script> […]