python+requests+unittest performs automated interface testing!

1. Install requests, xlrd, json, unittest libraries pip command installation: pip install requests pip install xlrd pip install json pip install unittest Install in pycharm 2. Use the Page Object Model design concept to create six types of Python Packages (can also be implemented according to project requirements) 3. First create a in the […]

python+requests+unittest performs automated interface testing!

1. Install requests, xlrd, json, unittest libraries pip command installation: pip install requests pip install xlrd pip install json pip install unittest Install in pycharm 2. Use the Page Object Model design concept to create six types of Python Packages (can also be implemented according to project requirements) 3. First create a in the […]

python+requests+unittest performs automated interface testing!

1. Install requests, xlrd, json, unittest libraries pip command installation: pip install requests pip install xlrd pip install json pip install unittest Install in pycharm 2. Use the Page Object Model design concept to create six types of Python Packages (can also be implemented according to project requirements) 3. First create a in the […]

Design and implementation of novel recommendation system based on Python+collaborative filtering algorithm

Blogger Introduction: ?300,000+ fans across the entire network, csdn guest author, blog expert, CSDN Rising Star Program mentor, high-quality creator in the Java field, Blog Star, Nuggets / Huawei Cloud / Alibaba Cloud / InfoQ and other platforms are high-quality authors, focusing on the field of Java technology and practical graduation projects? Contact for source […]

Popular on the entire network, Python+Pytest+Allure+Jenkins interface automation framework (steps + source code)

Table of Contents: Introduction Preface 1. Python programming from entry to proficiency 2. Practical implementation of interface automation projects 3. Web automation project actual combat 4. Practical implementation of App automation project 5. Resumes of first-tier manufacturers 6. Test and develop DevOps system 7. Commonly used automated testing tools 8. JMeter performance test 9. Summary […]

Steps to use Python+Appium to implement automated testing

This article mainly introduces the steps to use Python + Appium to implement automated testing. The article introduces it in great detail through sample code. It has certain reference learning value for everyone’s study or work. Friends who need it will follow the editor to learn together. Study it 1. Environmental preparation 1. Scripting language: […]

Encapsulation of test functions, test classes/test methods for python+pytest interface automation

Foreword Today, the author wants to talk to you about encapsulating the code in python + pytest interface automation. Only when the test code is encapsulated can it be recognized and executed by the test framework. For example, the request code for a single interface is as follows: import requests headers = { “user-agent”: “Mozilla/5.0 […]

Easily implement a Python+Selenium automated testing framework

First of all, you need to know what Selenium is? Selenium is a browser-based automated testing tool that provides a cross-platform, cross-browser end-to-end web automation solution. Selenium mainly consists of three parts: Selenium IDE, Selenium WebDriver and Selenium Grid. Selenium IDE: An extension for Firefox that can record and playback, and export the recorded operations […]

Implementation of automatic web upload operation in python+selenium

This article mainly introduces the implementation of automatic web upload operation of python + selenium. The article provides a detailed introduction around the topic, which has certain reference value. Friends who need it can refer to it. 1. About the upload operation There are two situations for uploading: If the input path can be entered […]